Monday, February 1 

Warm-up:  3 rounds - :30 hamstring stretch + 5 air squats + 5 jumping squats + 10 groiners + 10 v-ups 


Split-stance squats - work to complete the following sequence in 14:00, building in weight each round if possible - 

10-8-6-4-2 per side 



20:00 AMRAP: 

22 air squats 

12 toes-to-bar 

9 burpees 

*Weighted vest optional 

Accessory (optional): 

Max effort side plank per side 

Tuesday, February 2 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 pvc pass throughs + 5 muscle cleans + 5 strict press + :30 steady jump w/thigh tap (double tap thigh at the height of each jump to simulate double under rhythm) 


In 14:00, work to a tough complex - 

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 2 push jerks 

*Hang clean can come from either P1 or P2 


4 sets

On a 4:00 running clock, complete the following: 

50 double unders (or 100 singles) 

20 push-ups 

5 power snatches (115/85 or 95/65)

Max bike calories in remaining time

*:60 rest between rounds 

**Score is total number of bike calories 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 rotational banded punches/side 

Wednesday, February 3 

Warm-up: In 10:00, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace - 15 banded lat pull-downs + :30 banded shoulder stretch from rig/side + :30 plank + 5 scap pull-ups + 5 kip swings 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 6-8 alternating renegade rows 

2nd: :30 banded hollow rocks, focus on maximal tightness 


For time - 



Kettlebell swings (53/35) 


*200 meter run after each round if weather permits (you will run 3 times, ending with a run).  Sub row or ski meters (250), or bike cals (15/12) if desired.  

** Russian KB swings, no overhead 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Superman hold 

Thursday, February 4

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 15 banded good mornings + 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded rows + :20 handstand hold + 10 plank-ups 


In 16:00, work to complete the following handstand push-up sequence 


*Get a few deadlifts between sets to prep for WOD 

**Pike push-ups or seated DB press to scale 


12:00 EMOM - 

1st: 10 deadlifts (225/155) 

2nd: Max alternating 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks (50/35) 

*Score is total number of clean and jerks 

Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 3:00 wall sit 

Friday, February 5

Warm-up: In 10:00, work to complete the following - 10 wall ball squats + 30 jumping jacks + 10 sit-ups w/wall ball + 30 high knees + 10 wall ball thrusters + 30 lateral hops.  In remaining time, warm-up for your max out Friday option.   


Max out Friday

In 14:00, work on a skill, movement, or lift of choice.  Take some time to reflect on your fitness goal(s) for the year, and make a choice that will help you meet your goals. What do you want to get better at?  Now is the time to invest! 


For time: 

1,000 meter row 

100 thrusters (45/35) 

500 meter row 

50 thrusters 

*empty barbell for this spicy combo

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 supine hamstring curls on wall ball or med ball 

Saturday, February 6

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 w/:30 bike between rounds - pass throughs + muscle cleans + strict press + horizontal ring rows + push-ups 



Hang power cleans (155/115 or 135/95 or 95/65) 


*The goal here is to push yourself on the weight.  If you can do the higher sets unbroken (without dropping the bar), you probably need to add weight.  


5 rounds - 

10 hollow rocks 

20 v-ups 

:30 hollow hold 

40 toe reaches 

:60 rest between rounds 

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