Monday, January 11

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 banded tricep pulls (focus on shoulder depression and retraction) + 10 scap push-ups + :30 chest opening stretch + 10 pass throughs 


In 12:00, build to 65% 1RM bench press (sets of 3-5 reps) 

*Get a 10 calorie ski between lifts 


“Michael Kiefer” - 20:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5 Bench Press @ 65% 1RM, or moderate weight

2nd: 8 Hand-release push-ups 

*Firefighter Hero WOD, dedicated to Michael Kiefer, who was killed on 9/11/2001

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 40 rotational banded punches/side 

Tuesday, January 12

Warm-up:  On a 10:00 running clock, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace - 10 behind the neck presses w/pvc or empty barbell + :30 crab bridge + 10 reverse Samson’s


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 2 snatch push press (behind the neck) + 1 OHS w/:03 pause at bottom + 2 OHS 

2nd: :45 v-ups 


3 rounds for time- 

30 overhead lunges (95/65)

30 1-arm DB alt clean and jerk (50/35)

50 double unders 

Accessory (optional): 

3x10 shoulder external rotations/side w/light DB

Wednesday, January 13

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 scap pull-ups + 10 kip swings + 12 banded bent over rows + :30 hollow hold + :30 pigeon stretch 


Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 8-10 pendlay rows 

2nd: :30 barbell roll-outs, plank on barbell, or weighted plank 


20:00 AMRAP (complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00) -

21 KB swings (53/35)

15 bike calories 

9 pull-ups 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 30 GHD hip extensions, or 30 quadruped banded hip extensions/side 

Thursday, January 14

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 high knees + :30 butt kicks  + :30 banded good mornings + :30 hand release push-ups + :30 bootstrappers + :30 squats 


E2MOM for 12:00, build to a tough complex- 

1 squat clean, from ground + 1 squat clean, hang + 2 front squats 

*If staying light, you can treat this more like an EMOM


For time- 

500 meter row 

50 toes-to-bar 

30 deadlifts (225/155) 

20 bar-facing burpees 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a 2:00 L-sit, L-hang, tuck-sit, tuck-hang

Friday, January 15

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 20 smooth single or double unders + 10 prone knees to elbow on wall ball + 20 Russian twists w/wall ball; Next, take 5-10 minutes to warm-up for your max-out choice. 


For 20:00 - 

Max out Friday - there are several options you can choose to do today: 

1.) Pick a barbell lift that you would like to test and go for a 1RM

2.) Work on form for a certain lift or movement

2.) Work on a gymnastics skill of choice that you are trying to master 

3.) Work on mobility stretches and exercises 


10:00 E2MOM - 

20 wall balls (20/14)

Max double unders 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 sit-ups w/wall ball 

Saturday, January 16

Warm-up: In 10:00, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace - 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 plank-ups + :60 jumping jacks 


30:00 AMRAP - 

400 meter row or run 

40 back squats (95/65) 

40 DB alt snatch (45/30) 

40 push jerks (95/65) 

40 push-ups 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 20 ring dips, 30 dips off GHD, or 50 dips from box or bench 

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