Monday, January 4

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 deadlifts (add weight each round) + 5 hand release push-ups + 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded rows + :30 quad stretch/side 


In 15:00, build to a touch deadlift triple 


10:00 EMOM: 

6 Burpees 

AMRAP DB thrusters (50/35)

*Score is total number of thrusters 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 1-arm DB bent over rows/side 

Tuesday, January 5

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 bench press (add weight each round) + :30 high knees + 6 reverse Samson’s (:03 pause at bottom) + :30 shoulder stretch


In 12:00, work to complete the following sequence: 

Bench press - 5@60% 1RM; 5@65%; 5@70%; 5@75%



20:00 AMRAP- 

400 Meter row or ski 

Pull-ups for max reps (complete a 400 meter row every time you drop off the bar) 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 plank-ups 

Wednesday, January 6

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 clean pulls + 5 clean high pulls + 5 muscle cleans + 10 jumping squats + :30 pigeon stretch/side 


In 15:00, work to complete the following cycle, adding weight each round if possible- 

Power clean and jerk 


*Reps do not need to be unbroken


For time: 


Calorie bike

Hang power cleans (95/65)

Double unders 

Accessory (optional): 

Tabata flutter kicks 

Thursday, January 7

Warm-up: On a 10:00 running clock, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace of the following - 3 back squats (building toward 80% 1RM) + 10 groiners + :30 banded side steps 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: :30 hollow hold 

2nd: 3 back squats @ 80% 1RM, or a challenging weight for you


4 rounds for time - 

12 Front rack lunges (135/95)

15 Front squats 

12 Handstand push-ups 

Accessory (optional): 

3x15 barbell glute raises 

Friday, January 8

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 v-ups + 5 muscle snatches + 5 overhead squats + 10 pass throughs + 3 strict pull-ups w/:03 chin-over-bar hold 


Every :90 for 4 rounds- 

1st: :45 Strict pull-ups 

2nd; :45 Russian twists w/wall ball (20/14)


For time: 


Power snatch (95/65)


*DB snatches are an option, just double the number 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 60 banded lat pull-downs, or 30 cable pull-downs 

Saturday, January 9 

Warm-up: On a 10:00 running clock, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace - 5 clean pulls + 5 clean high pulls + 5 muscle cleans + 10 RDL’s + 6 burpee broad jumps 


In 12:00, build to a tough power clean complex (unbroken) - 

3x high hang + 3x hang + 3x from floor 


25:00 EMOM: 

1st: 10 DB hang power cleans (50/35)

2nd: 8 Burpees over DB’s

3rd: 10 DB Deadlifts (50/35)

4th: 8 Burpees over DB’s 

5th: Rest 

Accessory (optional): 

200 meter Farmers carry, heavy 

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