Monday, June 8th:
Warm up: Shoulder mobility (coaches choice) + 2 rounds - :20 reverse plank + 10 pass throughs + :30 plate ground to overhead + :30 jacks
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 6-8 single arm DB push press + 40 m single arm DB overhead carry (switch arms each round)
2nd: :45 plank, weighted if possible (plate on back)
4:00 on, 1:00 off for 4 rounds:
400 meter run
75 double unders or 100 singles
Max single arm DB devil press in remaining time
Not for time:
Accumulate 40 barbell curls (35/45) or dumbbell curls
Tuesday, June 9th:
Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 high knees + :30 butt kicks + 15 good mornings + :30 pec stretch + :30 pigeon stretch/side
For 12:00:
Work to moderate/heavy bench press triple
Work at steady pace to complete the following (rest :30 between sets):
10 incline bench press
20 weighted step ups (10/leg)
20:00 EMOM:
1st: 5 deadlift at 75% 1RM or 12 KB sumo deadlift
2nd: 10 DB floor press
3rd: 10 pull ups
4th: 15 hollow rocks
5th: 15-20 wall balls
2-3 rounds not for time:
20 banded tricep pulls
20 banded pull aparts
Wednesday, June 10th:
Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 10 alternating reverse lunges + 20 banded side steps + 5 inch worms with push up
For 12:00:
Work to moderate/heavy clean sequence (1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 2 hang squat cleans)
12:00 EMOM:
1st: 12 DB deadlifts
2nd: 10 DB front squats
For time:
Hang clean and jerk (95/65 barbell) or DB hang clean and jerk
*100 m single arm Farmer’s carry between rounds (50/35), switch arms as needed
2-3 rounds not for time:
:30 hollow hold
:30 side plank/side
Thursday, June 11th:
Warm up: 2 rounds - :20 handstand hold + :20 kipping, bar hang, or top of ring row hold + 10 single leg v-ups + :20 jumping squats
E2MOM for 10:00 (complete all of the following in 2:00)
9 Lurpees - 1 lunge on each leg + burpee
6 pull ups
3 wall walks or 5 pike to plank from box
3 rounds for time:
40 calories
15 toes to bar/kipping knees to elbow/hanging knee raises
15 snatches (95/65) or 30 alternating DB snatches
Not for time:
Accumulate 100 shoulder taps from plank
Friday, June 12th:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 12 banded forward raises + 15 banded good mornings + :30 mountain climbers + :30 flutter kicks + 5 burpees
For 12:00:
Work on Gymnastics skill of choice (e.g., HSPU, handstand walks, kipping, etc..)
Complete the following every :90 for 12:00:
1st: 10 ring rows + 16 alternating single leg v-ups
2nd: 10/12 calorie bike - max effort
20:00 AMRAP:
20 kettlebell swings (55/35 for competitive athlete)
30 sit ups
40 goblet lunges (55/35)
200 m run
Not for time:
Accumulate 2:00 chin over bar hold, or top of ring row hold, or barbell row hold from rack