Monday, June 1st:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 pull aparts + 10 good mornings + :30 jumping jacks + :30 flutter kicks + 10 pass throughs
Every 2:00 for 4 rounds:
1st: 5 bench press @ 75% 1RM or 8 dumbbell bench press + 10 hand release push ups
2nd: 10 v-ups + 12-15 calories
5 rounds - 2:00 on ; :60 off:
12 DB deadlifts
9 DB hang cleans
6 DB push jerks
AMRAP double unders or single unders
*For advanced athlete, prescribed weight 35/50
** Score is total number of dubs or singles
Not for time:
Accumulate a total of 60 tricep pulls
Tuesday, June 2nd:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 burpees + :30 plank ups + :30 Spider-Man stretch/side + 15 quadruped hip extensions/side
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 5 strict pull ups, :03 pause with chin over bar OR 5-7 ring rows, :03 pause at top
2nd: :45 wall balls
12:00 AMRAP:
15 KB swings
15 box jumps or step ups
3 Wall walks or plank to pike from box
Not for time:
Accumulate 2:00 mountain climbers + 2:00 flutter kicks
Wednesday, June 3rd:
Warm up: :30 pigeon stretch + :30 Samson stretch + 10 jumping squats + :30 pec stretch + 100 meter row, bike, ski or run
For 10:00:
Work to 1RM strict press or stay at moderate weight and complete 5 strict press every minute
For time:
Hang squat cleans (65/95) or DB clean + squat
Burpees over bar or dumbbells
Not for time:
200 meter Farmer’s carry
Thursday, June 4th:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 shoulder taps + :30 high knees + :30 squat hold + 5 inch worms with push up
Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00):
1st: :30 HSPU/handstand hold/pike push ups/plank with feet elevated/Hand release push ups
2nd: 5 touch and go snatches + 5 overhead squats (no heavier than 65/95)
OR :30 dumbbell snatch + 5 1-arm DB overhead squat/side
4 rounds for time:
9 calorie bike
12 toes to bar or knees to elbow
9 calorie bike
12 front rack lunges (no heavier than 95/135) OR lunges with DBs
2-3 rounds not for time:
16 alternating bicep curls
:30 side plank/side
Friday, June 5th:
Warm-up: 2 rounds - :20 bar hang, :20 top of ring row hold, 10 air squats, :30 reverse plank, 100 meter run or row
12:00 EMOM:
1st: 10 renegade rows
2nd: 12 alternating 1-arm alternating DB clean and jerks
3rd: :30 double DB overhead hold or plate overhead hold
50 double unders
50 sit ups
21 thrusters (65/95)
21 pull ups
50 double unders
50 sit ups
15 thrusters
15 pull ups
50 double unders
50 sit ups
3 rounds not for time:
20 banded lat pull downs
:30 hollow hold