Monday, November 9
Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 clean grip deadlifts + 3 power cleans w/:03 pause above knees + 10 Pendlay rows + 20 banded lat pull-downs
In 14:00, work to a tough Power Clean single
*Between lifts, complete a :30 barbell plank
5 Rounds for time:
200 Meter run
10 Burpees over bar
5 Power cleans (115/155 or 95/135)
*The intended stimulus is heavy power cleans under fatigue, so challenge yourself a bit on the weight
Accessory (optional):
Complete 30 renegade rows
Tuesday, November 10
Warm up: 3 rounds - :30 pigeon stretch/side + 15 banded good mornings + 20 m alt Samson stretch + :30 banded glute bridge hold
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 8-10 seated DB press, moderate weight (complete all reps unbroken)
2nd: :45 weighted, straight leg sit-ups (single DB)
4 rounds:
3:00 on/1:00 off
15 Pull-ups
20 Russian KB swings (53/70 or 35/53)
AMRAP goblet squats
*Score is total number of goblet squats
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 2:00 dual DB OH hold (ribs down, push pelvis to neutral position)
Wednesday, November 11
Warm up: 3 rounds - 12 alt rotational ball slams (6/side) + 2 Turkish get-ups/side (light weight) + 5 bench press (empty barbell) + 10 KB deadlifts + 5 v-ups
In 14:00, complete the following at a steady pace:
Bench press - complete 5x3 @80% 1RM
Then, complete 20 bench press @65% 1RM
16:00 AMRAP:
20 Double unders or 40 singles
9 Deadlift (155/225)
6 Toes to bar or knees to elbow
3 Handstand push-ups or hand release push-ups
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 50 dips off box or bench, or 30 single DB OH tricep extensions
Thursday, November 12
Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 snatch-grip deadlifts + 3 snatch pulls + 3 snatch high pulls + 2 muscle snatches + 1 OHS + 15 pass throughs
In 15:00, complete the following sequence, building in weight each round:
Power snatch or squat snatch, athlete’s choice
4 rounds for time:
20 Alt DB snatch
12/15 Calorie bike
10 Box jumps or step ups
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 30 barbell bicep curls (35/45)
Friday, November 13
Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 v-ups + + :30 wall sit + 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 Russian twists + 5 inch worms w/push up
12:00 EMOM:
1st: :30 Push-ups for quality
2nd: :30 Burpees
For time:
Wall balls
Hang squat cleans (65/95)
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 30-50 prone hamstring curls w/med ball (keep hips high, draw heels in)
Saturday, November 14
Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 presses from split jerk stance + 20 banded punches/side + 15 banded pull-aparts + 10 scap pull-ups
Strength: In 12:00, complete the following jerk sequence, adding weight each round if possible:
5 Push jerk @60% jerk 1RM
3 Push jerk @70% 1RM
1 Split jerk @75% split jerk 1RM
1 Split jerk @80% 1RM
1 Split jerk @85% 1RM
*If staying light/moderate, complete 3 push jerks every :60-:90
18:00 EMOM:
1st: 6 strict pull ups
2nd: 12 Front rack lunges (95/135)
3rd: :45 Double unders
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate a 2:00 Sorensen hold, weighted if possible