Monday, November 2

Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 muscle cleans + 3 front squats w/empty bar, :03 pause @bottom (elbows high, chest up) + 20 shoulder taps + 10 groiners 


In 14:00, work to complete the following sequence, building in weight each round if possible: 


Squat cleans 


For Time: 



Back squats (110/155) 

Double unders (or 10-20-30-40-30-20-10 singles) 

*Can do GHD sit-ups if used to volume 

Accessory (optional): 

50 Banded quadruped hip extensions/side 

Tuesday, November 3

Warm up: 3 rounds - 10 pass throughs + :30 handstand hold or plank + 5 snatch grip deadlift w/empty bar + 5 snatch pulls + 5 snatch high pulls + 3 muscle snatches 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 1 Strict press + 2 push press + 1 push jerk or split jerk (build in weight) 

2nd: :45 Kipping toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 


For time: 

Buy-in: 30 Handstand push-ups or pike push-ups or hand release push-ups 

Directly into: 

30 Calorie row 

12 Power snatch (no heavier than 85/115) 

30 Calorie row

10 Power snatch 

30 Calorie row 

8 Power snatch 

*Feel free to use DBs for alt single arm snatch if you prefer, just double the number 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 banded shoulder internal rotations/side 

Accumulate 30 banded shoulder external rotations/side 

Wednesday, November 4

Warm up: 3 rounds - 10 reverse Samson’s + 20 Russian twists w/wall ball + :30 v-sit with wall ball press + 10 woodchoppers/side w/wall ball + 5 clusters w/wall ball 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 4 strict pull-ups, :01 pause with chin over bar 

2nd: :30 hollow rocks or hollow hold 


Every 2:00 for 3 rounds 

10 Burpees over bar 

10 Power cleans 

At 6:00 mark, for time: 

30 Burpees over bar 

30 Power cleans 

*Weight: 95/135 or 65/95

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 weighted side bends/side

Accumulate 30 side plank w/hip drop/side 

Thursday, November 5

Warm up: 3 rounds - 12 banded good mornings + 12 banded pull aparts + 10 sumo KB deadlifts + :30 banded side steps + :30 pigeon stretch/side 


Deadlift - in 15:00, build to a set of 5 moderately heavy (or 80% 1RM) touch-and-go deadlifts 


16:00 AMRAP: 


KB swings 

Cal bike 


Thrusters (65/95)

*KB swings and cals remain the same.  Continue to add 3 thrusters each round 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Superman hold 

Friday, November 6

Warm up: 3 rounds - 10 plank ups + 10 pass throughs + 10 around the worlds/side + 20 m walking lunges + :30 high knees


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 8 DB floor press

2nd: 40 Double unders 

3rd: :30 ski sprint (try to match calories each round 


20:00 AMRAP: 

400 Meter run 

30 DB or KB walking lunges 

20 Hand release push-ups 

5 Muscle-ups or 10 pull-ups or ring rows (as horizontal as possible)

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 200 flutter kicks

Saturday, November 7 

Warm up: 3 rounds - 15 banded forward raises + 10 high quality kip swings + :30 wall sit + 10 m walking quad stretch + 20 m Spider-Man stretch 


In 14:00, work to complete 4 rounds of the following: 

20 Alternating 1-arm clean and jerk (35/50)

10 Alternating renegade rows 

*Rest :60 between sets 


For time: 


Front squats (95/135) or DB squats 


Toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 75 hollow rocks 

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