Monday August 26
2 rounds( 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 oh squats with pvc, :30 Spider-Man stretch each leg)
5 min emom just bar
2 hang power snatch
2 oh squats
10 min emom build to your heaviest
2 oh squats
15 minute time cap
3 rounds
200 m run
30 kB swings
20 wall balls
10 burpees
15 strict toe to bar or knee to elbow
2 rounds (10 pvc pass throughs, 10 oh squats with pvc, :30 Spider-Man stretch each leg)
5:00 bike, increase pace every :60
Every :60 for 10:00
1- :30 plank up downs
2- :30 passive hang
3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)
200 m run
30 kB swings
20 wall balls
10 burpees
15 strict toe to bar or knee to elbow
Tuesday August 27
Warm up (10 minutes gymnastic practice or pull-up practice or handstand practice)
14 min emom
1: 2 strict press (keep adding weight to build to your heaviest set of 2)
2: :30 bike/ski/row
10 min amrap
8 thrusters
25 double unders
8 pull ups
25 double unders
3 rounds
10 cal ski
:20 hollow hold
10 v up
Warm up (10 minutes gymnastic practice or pull-up practice or handstand practice)
14 min emom
1: :30 ab work, coaches choice
2: :30 bike/ski/row
AMRAP in 10:00
4/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks
50 single unders
8 pull ups or ring rows
50 single unders
2-3 sets NFT:
10 cal ski
:20 hollow hold
10 v up
Wednesday August 28
3 rounds ( 5 box jumps, 5 calorie sprint, 5 burpees)
5 min emom
Start in high pull position and drop under bar without curling bar up)
12 mins
Build to heavy squat clean or power clean with front squat
For time 15 min cap
Push up
Air squats
Not for time
10 Turkish get ups
3 rounds (5 box jumps, 5 calorie sprint, 5 burpees)
For 5:00
:30 easy shuttle run
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: :30 hanging knee raises
2nd: :30 bent over DB rows
3rd: :30 banded steps (change directions every 6 steps)
For time (15:00 cap)
Push up
Air squats
Not for time
200m heavy WB/sandbag carry
Thursday August 29
2 rounds ( 20 m frankenstien, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 10 push ups)
12 min emom
1: 3 touch and go deadlift
2: :40 plank
15 min amrap
200 m run
20 alt dB snatches
10 box jump
20 dB clean and press
Not for time
200 m farmer carry
Accumulate 2 min plank
2 rounds ( 20 m frankenstien, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 10 push ups)
12 min emom
1: :30 kettlebell deadlifts
2: :40 plank
AMRAP in 15:00
200 m run
20 alt dB snatches
10 box jump
20 dB clean and press
Not for time
200 m farmer carry
Accumulate 2 min plank
Friday August 30
1 min bike 5 inchworm with push up
1 min ski :30 side lunges
1 min row :30 Spider-Man per side
12 min emom
1: 20 double under
2: 7 dB thruster
3: 100 m sprint
14 min amrap
400 m run
50 air squats
20 pull ups
:60 hollow hold
20 v ups
1 min bike 5 inchworm with push up
1 min ski :30 side lunges
1 min row :30 Spider-Man per side
12 min emom
1: :30 jump rope
2: 7 dB thruster
3: 100 m sprint or 100m row
14 min amrap
400 m run
50 air squats
20 pull ups
:60 hollow hold
20 v ups