Monday August 19
2 rounds (7 goblet squat , 20 m bear crawl 7 goblet squat , :30 plank )
5 min emom just bar
3 hang snatch high pull
1 hang snatch
12 min to Build to heavy squat snatch
Or power snatch with added oh squat
16 min emom for max reps
1: wall balls
Accumulate :60 handstand hold
2 rounds (7 goblet squat , 20 m bear crawl 7 goblet squat , :30 plank )
5:00 row, increase pace each :60
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: 200m run
2nd: 20m/side heavy farmers carry
Every :60 for 16:00 for total reps:
1: wall balls
Not for time:
Accumulate :60 handstand hold
Tuesday August 20
3 rounds (5 strict pull up, 10 hrpu, 15 air squats)
14 min emom
1: :20 heavy front squat (7-8 on rpe scale)
2: :20 hollow hold
For time 15 min time cap
200 m run
5 rounds
5 burpee box jumps
7 squat cleans (135/95)
200 m run
2 rounds
20 trx knee to elbow
10 hanging knee to elbow or knee raise
3 rounds (5 ring rows, 10 hrpu, 15 air squats)
For 14:00
1st: :30 ab movement of coaches choice (switch it up every round)
2nd: 12 light kettlebell swings
For time: (15 min cap)
200 m run buy in
5 rounds:
5 burpee box jumps
7 DB power cleans, 35/50
200 m run cash out
2 rounds not for time:
20 hanging knee raises or lemon squeezers
10 V-ups
Wednesday August 21
Row 10 cal 5 inchworm
Bike 10 cal :30 side lunge stretch
Ski 10 cal 10 pvc pass through
5 min emom just bar
2 hang power clean
1 split jerk
12 min to build to heavy clean and jerk
For time 15 min time cap
50 alt dB snatches
50 calories
50 thruster (65/45)
Not for time
2 rounds
L sit for max time
Row 10 cal + 5 inchworm
Bike 10 cal + :30 side lunge stretch
Ski 10 cal + 10 pvc pass through
Every :60 for 5:00
:30 passive hang from bar/rings
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: :30 plate hops
2nd: :30 plank
3rd: 5/side 1-arm ring rows
For time (15:00 time cap)
50 alt dB snatches
50 calories
50 DB thrusters
2 rounds not for time:
Accumulate max hanging knee tuck hold
Thursday August 22
2 rounds (10 pvc pass through, :30 hang from bar, 5 inchworm with push up)
15 min emom
1:8 dB bench press
2: :30 hollow hold
3:8 calories
12 min amrap
30 kb swings
20 dB step up (24/20) (35/20)
10 pull up
200 m run
200 m oh barbell carry (pick weight you think you can achieve 200 m with minimal stopping)
2 rounds (10 pvc pass through, :30 hang from bar, 5 inchworm with push up)
Every :60 for 15:00
1:8 DB bench press
2: :30 hollow hold
3: :30 row/bike/ski@moderate pace
AMRAP in 12:00
30 KB swings
20 DB step ups
10 pull ups or ring rows
200m run
Not for time:
200m tough farmers carry or sandbag carry
Friday August 23
2 rounds (20 m frankenstien, 20 m Sampson, 20 m high knee, 20 m butt kick)
10 min emom
1: :30 dB push press
2: :40 row bike ski
15 min amrap
Partner workout 1 person working at a time (must use same machine)
50 calories
400 m run
100 du
400 m run
400 m farmer carry
2 rounds
10 v ups
15 toes touches
:20 hollow hold
2 rounds (20 m frankenstien, 20 m Sampson, 20 m high knee, 20 m butt kick)
Every :60 for 10:00
1st: :15/side plank
2nd: :30 shuttle run
AMRAP in 15:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:
50 calories (partners must use same machine)
400 m run
100 du or 200 single unders
400 m run
400 m farmer carry
2 rounds not for time:
10 v ups
15 toes touches
:20 hollow hold