Monday July 29 Crossfit
row/run/bike@easy pace
10:00 row technique work- coach led. Focus on how to pull correctly, discuss damper, how to read the screen, etc.
Every 2:00 for 12:00
3 front squats, 22x1 tempo
:30 plank, weighted optional
Every 4:00 for 16:00
400m run or 500m row
15 tough goblet squats
15 sit ups
*if necessary, cut distance to allow for :50-:60 rest
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 banded pull downs
Accumulate :60 side plank
Monday July 29 Bootcamp
row/run/bike@easy pace
10:00 row technique work- coach led. Focus on how to pull correctly, discuss damper, how to read the screen, etc.
Every 2:00 for 12:00
:30 wall sit
:30 plank, weighted optional
Every 4:00 for 16:00
400m run or 500m row
15 tough goblet squats
15 sit ups
*if necessary, cut distance to allow for :50-:60 rest
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 banded pull downs
Accumulate :60 side plank
Tuesday July 30 Crossfit
row/run/bike@easy pace
2 rounds [:30 hand-release push up w/:01 pause at top + :15/side plank + :30 hang from bar + :30 mountain climbers]
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets)
1st: 8-10 dumbbell bench press, 20x1 tempo
2nd: 6-8/side 1-arm bent over KB row, 20x1 tempo
AMRAP in 10:00
12 bike calories
12 pull ups
12 bike calories
12 heavy russian KB swings
2-3 rounds not for time:
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry
8/side light banded external rotations
Tuesday July 30 Bootcamp
row/run/bike@easy pace
2 rounds [:30 hand-release push up w/:01 pause at top + :15/side plank + :30 hang from bar + :30 mountain climbers]
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets)
1st: 8-10 dumbbell Bench press or floor press if too many people
2nd: :30 banded tricep pull downs
AMRAP in 10:00
12 bike calories
12 pull ups
12 bike calories
12 heavy russian KB swings
2-3 rounds not for time:
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry
8/side light banded external rotations
Wednesday July 31 Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [20m lunges + 20m bear crawl + :30 jumping squats + :30 hollow hold]
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: 10 alternating reverse lunges w/bar on back
2nd: :45 double under practice
For time (15:00 cap)
1-arm DB thrusters, 35/50, switch arms at any point
Toes to bar
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kick
5/side 1-arm ring rows w/:01 pause at top
Wednesday July 31 Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [20m lunges + 20m bear crawl + :30 jumping squats + :30 hollow hold]
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: 12 Front foot elevated split squat
2nd: :45 plate hops (use #45 or #25 for split squat and plate hops)
For time (15:00 cap)
1-arm DB thrusters switch arms at any point
knee to elbow
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kick
5/side 1-arm ring rows w/:01 pause at top
Thursday August 1 Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [10 toe touches from plank position + :30 seated straddle stretch + 20m straight leg stretch + 20m jog]
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 6-8 touch and go deadlifts, moderate w/perfect form
2nd: :30 steady burpees over the bar
3rd: :30 inverted plank w/feet on bench or box
For time (15:00 cap)
400m run buy in
Power cleans, 75/115
Box jumps
Not for time:
Accumulate 40 v-ups
Thursday August 1 Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [10 toe touches from plank position + :30 seated straddle stretch + 20m straight leg stretch + 20m jog]
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 12 kb swings
2nd: :30 walk back burpees (focus on correct form no push up)
3rd: :30 plank
For time (15:00 cap)
400m run buy in
Power cleans, 75/115
Box jumps
Not for time:
Accumulate 40 v-ups
Friday August 2 Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar or rings + 20m high knees + 20m leg kicks]
Every 2:00 for 10:00
1 &¼ back squats, 3-4 reps
For time with a partner, one person working at a time:
100 pull ups
P1 runs 400m, P2 rows 500m
140 dumbbell front squats, tough
P1 rows 500m, P2 runs 400m
2-3 sets not for time:
:60 easy bike or row
:30 kettlebell front rack hold or sandbag bear hug hold
Friday August 2 Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar or rings + 20m high knees + 20m leg kicks]
EMOM for 10:00
1: 10 jumping squats to 6” target or higher
2: :30 wall sit
For time with a partner, one person working at a time:
100 pull ups/ring rows
P1 runs 400m, P2 rows 500m
140 dumbbell front squats, tough
P1 rows 500m, P2 runs 400m
2-3 sets not for time:
:60 easy bike or row
:30 kettlebell front rack hold or sandbag bear hug hold