Monday July 22 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + :30 wrist stretch + 20m quad stretch + 20m jog]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 5 push press, moderate
2nd: :45 strict pull ups with slow negative, use band if necessary
3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)
400m run
15 DB hang power cleans, 35/50
15 DB shoulder to overhead, 35/50
2-3 rounds not for time:
15 scap push ups
8/side 1-arm banded lat pull downs
Monday July 22 - Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + :30 wrist stretch + 20m quad stretch + 20m jog]
For 15:00, at a steady pace:
21 calorie row
15 calorie bike or ski
12 ring rows
9 dumbbell push press
3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)
400m run
15 DB hang power cleans
15 DB shoulder to overhead
2-3 rounds not for time:
10-12 bent over rows
10-12 hammer curls
Tuesday July 23 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 alternating lunges + 12 light kettlebell swings + :30 hang from bar or rings]
Every 2:00 for 6 sets:
2 back squats + 2 alternating reverse lunges, build to moderate/tough
For time (15:00 cap)
42 calories
42 air squats
30 calories
30 alternating goblet reverse lunges
18 calories
18 toes to bar
2-3 sets not for time:
:15/side plank
8 light DB frontal raises
Tuesday July 23 - Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 alternating lunges + 12 light kettlebell swings + :30 hang from bar or rings]
Every 2:00 for 6 sets:
:30 goblet squats, directly into 20 m walking lunges (no weight)
For time (15:00 cap)
42 calories
42 air squats
30 calories
30 alternating goblet reverse lunges
18 calories
18 toes to bar or knees to elbow
2-3 sets not for time:
:15/side plank
8 light DB frontal raises
Wednesday July 24 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [15 banded good mornings + 5 inchworms + :30 leg raises + :30 jumping jacks]
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: 5 1-arm 1-leg DB romanian deadlifts L side, 31x1 tempo
2nd:5 1-arm 1-leg DB romanian deadlifts, R side, 31x1 tempo
3rd: :30 hollow hold
AMRAP in 14:00
500m row/ski or .6 mile bike
21 kettlebell swings
15 sit ups
9 burpee box jump overs
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
14 banded curls
Wednesday July 24 - Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [15 banded good mornings + 5 inchworms + :30 leg raises + :30 jumping jacks]
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: 5 single leg deadlift left
2nd:5 single leg deadlift right
3rd: :30 hollow hold
AMRAP in 14:00
500m row/ski or .6 mile bike
21 kettlebell swings
15 sit ups
9 burpee box jump overs or step overs
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
14 tricep extensions
Thursday July 25 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [5/side 1-arm DB thrusters + 8/side plank rotations + :30 jumping jacks + :30 bottom of a squat hold]
Every :60 for 16:00
1st: 3 touch and go squat cleans, light/moderate
2nd: :30 double unders
3rd: :30 weighted plank
4th: :30 row/bike/ski@easy pace
For time (15:00 cap)
400m run
30 wall balls
400m run
30 thrusters, 65/95
Not for time:
Accumulate :60 hanging knee raise
Accumulate :60 arrested superman hold
Thursday July 25 - Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [5/side 1-arm DB thrusters + 8/side plank rotations + :30 jumping jacks + :30 bottom of a squat hold]
Every :60 for 16:00
1st: :30 dumbbell squat cleans
2nd: :30 jump rope
3rd: :30 plank
4th: :30 row/bike/ski@easy pace
For time (15:00 cap)
400m run
30 wall balls
400m run
30 dumbbell thrusters
Not for time:
Accumulate :60 hanging knee raise
Accumulate :60 arrested superman hold
Friday July 26 - Crossfit
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [10 alternating DB snatches + :30 hang from bar/rings + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 3 hang power snatches
2nd: 1-2 rope climbs or :30 strict pull ups or :30 chin over the bar hold
Every 3:00 for 12:00
200m run or 250m row
14 alternating 1-arm DB snatches
10 box jump overs
*cut reps if needed to allow for at least :30-:45 rest before each set
Not for time:
200m uneven carry (1-arm DB overhead, 1-arm farmers carry, can be different weights, DB should be lighter than KB, switch arms as needed)
Friday July 26 - Bootcamp
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [10 alternating DB snatches + :30 hang from bar/rings + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
6 overhead squats with band, followed directly by :30 plate overhead hold
Every 3:00 for 12:00
200m run or 250m row
14 alternating 1-arm DB snatches
10 box jump overs or step overs
*cut reps if needed to allow for at least :30-:45 rest before each set
Not for time:
200m uneven carry (1-arm DB overhead, 1-arm farmers carry, can be different weights, DB should be lighter than KB, switch arms as needed)