George H. W. Bush - 41st President of the United States, 43rd VP, 11th Director of CIA, 2nd Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to the People's Republic of China, 10th United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Texas's 7th district, Lieutenant United States Navy WWII
Warm up: 2 rounds - 200 m row, bike, or ski, 10 squats with :03 pause at bottom, 10 push ups; Mobility (coach led)
12 minute EMOM:
1: 8 R leg reverse split squats from rack, bar on back
2: 8 L leg reverse split squats
3: 5-6/side 1-arm DB Z press
For time (20 minute time cap):
50 calorie row
5 burpees
50 goblet squats
5 burpees
50 weighted sit ups
5 burpees
2 rounds not for time:
:30 hollow hold
:30 superman hold
:30 glute bridge hold
Warm up: 2 rounds – 10 m Samson stretch, 10 m walking lunges, :30 plank; Mobility (coach led)
For 12:00 (try to match calories each time):
:60 bike cal
:60 row cal
:60 ski cal
:60 rest
For time:
Ground to overhead, 65/95
Burpees over the bar
Pull ups
Not for time:
75 toe touches
75 mountain climbers
Warm up: 2 rounds - 8 side plank rotations per side, 10 m death march, :30 jacks; Mobility (coach led)
12:00 minute EMOM:
1st: 5 front squats from the floor (can squat clean first rep)
2nd: :30 weighted plank
15 minute AMRAP:
9 power cleans, 65/95
12 dumbbell front rack lunges
15 hand release push ups or handstand push ups, or 4 wall walks
3 rounds not for time:
10 bicep curls
10 overhead tricep extensions
10 v-ups
Warm up: 2 rounds - :20 bar hang, :20 squat hold, :20 bottom of push up hold; :30 overhead plate hold; Mobility (coach led)
Every :60 for 10:00
1st: 6 overhead squats, light, or use band
2nd: 6-8 bent over DB rows
For time:
Dumbbell thrusters
Kettlebell swings
Bike or ski calories
3 rounds not for time:
:30 sandbag hold
10 GHD hip extensions
:30 flutter kicks
Warm up: 2 rounds – 20 banded pull aparts, 20 sit ups, 10 banded good mornings, 10 inch worms; Mobility (coach led)
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: 8 touch and go deadlifts, moderate with perfect form
2nd: :15/side 1-leg glute bridge hold
3rd: :30 strict pull ups, use band if necessary
For time, with a partner (split up as desired, 1 person working at a time):
100 calorie bike
100 wall balls
100 knees to elbow or toes to bar
Not for time:
Accumulate a total 3:00 plank
Monday, December 3rd – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 200 m row, bike, or ski, 10 squats with :03 pause at bottom, 10 push ups; Mobility (coach led)
12 minute EMOM:
1: 12 Pistol squats to box or bench (6 per leg)
2: 12 dips off box or bench
3: 16 weighted step ups (8 per side)
For time (20 minute time cap):
50 calorie row
5 burpees
50 goblet squats
5 burpees
50 weighted sit ups
5 burpees
2 rounds not for time:
:30 hollow hold
:30 superman hold
:30 glute bridge hold
Tuesday, December 4th – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds – 10 m Samson stretch, 10 m walking lunges, :30 plank; Mobility (coach led)
For 12:00 (try to match calories each time):
:60 bike cal
:60 row cal
:60 ski cal
:60 rest
For time:
Dumbbell clean and press
Burpees to plate
Plank ups
Not for time:
75 toe touches
75 mountain climbers
Wednesday, December 5th – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - 8 side plank rotations per side, 10 m death march, :30 jacks; Mobility (coach led)
12:00 minute EMOM:
:40 alternating dumbbell snatches
:40 plank march
15 minute AMRAP:
9 dumbbell cleans
12 dumbbell front rack lunges
15 hand release push ups
3 rounds not for time:
10 bicep curls
10 overhead tricep extensions
10 v-ups
Thursday, December 6th – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds - :20 bar hang, :20 squat hold, :20 bottom of push up hold; :30 overhead plate hold; Mobility (coach led)
10 m EMOM:
8 Overhead squats with pvc pipe or band (if mastered, move on to light dumbbells); squat to box if necessary
For time:
Dumbbell thrusters
Kettlebell swings
Bike or ski calories
3 rounds not for time:
:30 sandbag hold
10 GHD hip extensions
:30 flutter kicks
Friday, December 7th – Bootcamp
Warm up: 2 rounds – 20 banded pull aparts, 20 sit ups, 10 banded good mornings, 10 inch worms; Mobility (coach led)
For 12:00:
15 kb deadlifts
12 glute bridge dumbbell press
9 ring rows
For time, with a partner (split up as desired, 1 person working at a time):
100 calorie bike
100 wall balls
100 knees to elbow or toes to bar
Not for time:
Accumulate a total 3:00 plank