Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 mountain climbers, 10 squats, 6 inch worms; Mobility (coach led)
For 10:00:
1st: 20m DB walking lunges
2nd: :30 double under practice
2 rounds for time:
30 thrusters, 35/45
30 deadlifts, 95/135
30 box jumps
30 push ups
30 sit ups
2-3 rounds, not for time:
200 m ski
:40 plank
Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 sit ups, 10 m walking lunges, 10 m Samson stretch (:03 pause at bottom); Mobility (coach led)
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: 3 power clean and split jerk singles, :10 rest between reps
2nd: :30 V-ups
3:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1st: :30 alternating dumbbell snatches
2nd: :30 bike sprint
3rd: :30 hang power cleans
Accumulate a total of 50 toe touches and 50 lemon squeezers
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 20 m Frankenstein kicks; Mobility (coach led)
For 10:00:
1st: 3 front squats from the floor
2nd: 7/side plank rotations
Quick tutorial on kettlebell swings to assure a mastery of the lock out position without over extension.
12 minute AMRAP:
15 wall balls
15 kettlebell swings
200 m row
3 rounds not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
:30 spider plank
Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 10 around the worlds, 10 squats with :03 pause at bottom; Mobility (coach led)
For 12:00:
1st: 6 R leg 1-leg romanian deadlifts
2nd: 6 L leg 1-leg romanian deadlifts
3rd: 20 band pull aparts
For time:
Dumbbell push press
Toes to bar
Calorie row, bike, or ski
3 rounds not for time:
40 m sandbag carry
:30 hollow hold
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 hand release push ups, :15 side plank/side, 10 ring rows; Mobility (coach led)
For 10:00
1st: :30 strict pull ups, use band if necessary
2nd: 4 back squats @30x0 tempo
Death by burpees:
Minute 1: 1 burpee
Minute 2: 2 burpees
Minute 3: 3 burpees
And so on, and so forth….winner gets a prize!
3 rounds not for time:
21 Russian twists
15 glute bridge dumbbell press
9 v-ups
Monday, December 17 – Bootcamp:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 mountain climbers, 10 squats, 6 inch worms; Mobility (coach led)
For 10:00:
250 meter row
Rest :30
Then, 2 rounds for time:
30 dumbbell thrusters
30 kettlebell deadlift
30 step ups (weighted if possible)
30 push ups
30 sit ups (weighted if possible)
2-3 rounds, not for time:
200 m ski
:40 plank
Tuesday, December 18 – Bootcamp:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 15 sit ups, 10 m walking lunges, 10 m Samson stretch (:03 pause at bottom); Mobility (coach led)
12 minute EMOM:
1st: :40 dumbbell squat cleans
2nd: :40 burpees over dumbbells
3rd: :40 jump rope
3:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1st: :30 mountain climbers
2nd: :30 bike sprint
3rd: :30 reverse lunges (with weight if possible)
Accumulate a total of 50 toe touches and 50 lemon squeezers
Wednesday, December 19 – Bootcamp:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, 20 m Frankenstein kicks; Mobility (coach led)
For 10:00:
36 jumping jacks
24 dumbbell snatches
12 Renegade rows
Quick tutorial on kettlebell swings to assure a mastery of the lock out position without over extension.
12 minute AMRAP:
15 wall balls
15 kettlebell swings
200 m row
3 rounds not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
:30 spider plank
Thursday, December 20 – Bootcamp:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 10 around the worlds, 10 squats with :03 pause at bottom; Mobility (coach led)
For 12:00:
1st: 12 pistol squats to box (6/leg)
2nd: 12 dips off box
3rd: 20 band pull aparts
For time:
Dumbbell overhead press
Knees to elbow
Calorie row, bike, or ski
3 rounds not for time:
40 m sandbag carry
:30 hollow hold
Friday, December 21 – Bootcamp:
Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 hand release push ups, :15 side plank/side, 10 ring rows; Mobility (coach led)
Every minute for 10:00:
15 plate hops
Death by burpees:
Minute 1: 1 burpee
Minute 2: 2 burpees
Minute 3: 3 burpees
And so on, and so forth….winner gets a prize!
3 rounds not for time:
21 Russian twists
15 glute bridge dumbbell press
9 v-ups