Monday, October 29 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 5 inchworm with push up, 5 burpees, 20 m lunges
For 12 minutes:
200 m row
12 sit ups
300 m row
12 sit ups
400 m row
12 sit ups
Continue counting row meters up by 100
14 minute AMRAP:
200 m run
21 kb sumo deadlift high pull
15 kb goblet lunges
9 push ups
3-4 rounds:
:20 hollow hold
:20 superman hold
:20 rest
Tuesday, October 30 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 5 push ups, 10 calorie row/bike/ski, 15 squats
12 minute EMOM:
1: :30 squat to wall ball
2: 40 m overhead wall ball carry
Double Unders (100-80-60-40-20 singles)
Sit ups
Accumlate :60 side plank/side
Accumulate 2 minutes of shoulder taps
Wednesday Oct 31 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 250 m row, 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crab walk
10:00 EMOM:
1 st : 15 Ground to overhead with plate
2 nd : 9 Burpees to plate
2 rounds for time:
1000 m row
30 box jumps or step ups
15 pull ups or ring rows
Accumulate 50 knees elbow
Accumulate 50/side quadruped hip extensions
Thursday Nov 1 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m high knees, 20 band pull aparts, 10 shoulder blade retractions
hanging from bar
12 minute EMOM:
1: 8 dumbbell thrusters
2: 8 bent over rows or chest supported rows
Glute bridge, dumbbell press
Calorie row
2-3 rounds:
30 plank marches
20 spider planks
10 toe touches
Monday, October 29 - Crossfit
Warm up: 5 inchworm with push up, 5 burpees, 20 m lunges
12 minutes build to a heavy complex
1 deadlift + 1 clean + 1 jerk
14 minute AMRAP:
200 m run
21 kb swings
15 kb goblet lunges
9 push ups
3-4 rounds:
:30 L hang or L sit
10 toe to bar
Tuesday, October 30 – Crossfit
Warm up: 5 push ups, 10 calorie row/bike/ski, 15 squats
12 minute EMOM:
1: 3 Heavy back squat
2: 40 m heavy farmer carry
Double Unders
Sit ups
Accumulate 2 minutes hand stand hold
Wednesday Oct 31 – Crossfit
Warm up: 250 m row, 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crab walk
10 minutes to build to heavy deadlift
2 rounds for time:
1000 m row
30 box jumps
15 pull ups
20 v up passes with med ball
(do v up but pass ball from feet to hands and from hands back to feet)
(feet to hands back to feet is one)
Thursday Nov 1 – Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m high knees, 20 band pull aparts, 10 shoulder blade retractions
hanging from bar
12 minute EMOM:
1: 5 thrusters #95 #65
2: 5 burpees
bench press
calorie row
60 windshield wipers with barbell
Friday Nov 2 – Crossfit and Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 double unders or 40 singles, 10 squats, 5 inchworms with push up
15 minute EMOM:
1: :30 kb swings
2: :30 bike/row/ ski
3: :30 box jumps or step ups
20 minute EMOM:
1: :30 burpees
2: :30 kb deadlifts
3: :30 pull ups or ring rows
4: :30 air squats
5: rest