Monday Oct 22 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 10 T spine stretch, 10 PVC pass through, 20 m lunges x2
For 10 minutes:
200 m run
5 push press
200 m run
10 push press
200 m run
15 push press count up by 5 each round)
For time:
50 air squats (get low get low get low)
50 weighted step ups (25 per side)
50 weighted sit ups
3 rounds not for time:
20 spider plank
30 mountain climbers
40 banded glute bridges
Tuesday Oct 23 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 200 m row, 10 squats, 5 burpees x3
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 sumo deadlift high pull with KB (heavier than last week)
2: :30 hand release push ups
Calorie bike or ski
Pull ups or ring rows
Dumbbell squat cleans
2-3 rounds:
:60 plate hops
:40 plank
:30 hollow hold
Wednesday Oct. 24 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m lunges with PVC overhead, 20 m high knees, 200 m run or row x2
10 minute AMRAP:
80 jump rope
20 push ups
10 overhead squats with band, PVC pipe, or dumbbells (only use DBs if you have
mastered a full squat with PVC pipe or band)
10 min EMOM:
1: 14 alternating dumbbell snatches
2: :30 bike/row/ski
10 min AMRAP:
20 sit ups
15 box jumps or step ups
10 dumbbell clean and press
5 burpees
Thursday Oct 25 – Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 bike/row/ski high effort, 10 jumping squats, 15 TRX row x2
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 side planks with hip abduction (5/side)
2: 15 plank ups
3: 20 Russian twists
16 minute EMOM for reps:
1: :30 bike, row, or ski calories
2: :30 burpees
3: :30 reverse lunges (weight optional)
4: Rest
Not for time:
Accumulate a total of 100 leg raises
Monday Oct 22 – Crossfit
Warm up: 10 T spine stretch, 10 PVC pass through, 20 m lunges x2
10 minutes to build to heavy set of:
1 strict press + 2 push press
150 wall balls for time
-Rest 3 minutes-
3 minute max calorie row
3-4 rounds not for time:
20 TRX knee to elbow
10 TRX pike
Tuesday Oct 23 – Crossfit
Warm up: 200 m row, 10 squats, 5 burpees x3
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 sumo deadlift high pull w/ barbell
2: :30 max effort ski
Calorie bike
Pull ups
Power clean #95/#65
Accumulate 1 minute plank with hands on ball
and 1 minute plank with feet on ball
Wednesday Oct. 24 – Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m lunges with PVC overhead, 20 m high knees, 200 m run or row x2
10 minute AMRAP:
40 double unders
20 push ups
10 overhead squats #45/#35
10 min EMOM:
1: 7 power snatches
2: :30 bike/row/ski
10 min AMRAP:
20 sit ups
15 box jumps
10 clean and jerk #95/#65
5 burpees
Thursday Oct 25 – Crossfit
Warm up: :60 bike/row/ski high effort, 10 jumping squats, 15 TRX row x2
12 minute EMOM:
1 squat clean + 1 touch and go clean + 1 push or split jerk
16 minute EMOM for reps:
1: :30 bike calories
2: :30 burpees
3: :30 KB swings
4: Rest
2-3 rounds not for time
5 dragon flags
15 GHD sit ups
Friday Oct 26 – Crossfit and Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crab walk or :40 hold in crab walk stance, 15
squats to a medicine ball
Deadlift technique demo
Deadlift (use Kb or light weight if new to this movement)
Box jumps or step ups
Push up
3 rounds
10 v ups
:30 hollow hold