Monday September 5
One round for time:
10 handstand push ups
15 deadlifts, 250/185
25 box jumps
50 pull ups
100 wall balls
200 double unders
400m run w/45 pounds
Tuesday September 6
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds [10 goblet squats + 1520 band pull downs]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: Front squats, 23 @22x1 tempo
2nd: :30 strict pull ups or max chin over the bar hold, no longer than :30
10:00 @85%
16 alternating lunges holding weight overhead
14 sit ups
12 handrelease push ups
10 alternating dumbbell snatches
Not for time:
Accumulate 2:00 front leaning rest
Wednesday September 7
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds [10 kettlebell swings + 5 jumps from kneeling position]
A. Power clean, 8x1 adding weight every 2 sets, begin a set every :60
B. Snatchgrip deadlifts, 2222 @31x1 tempo; start a little heavier than last week, :90 rest
3 rounds for time:
10 shoulder to overhead, 65/95
200m run
10 barfacing burpees
200m run
Thursday September 8
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds [5 wall balls w/:02 pause @bottom + :20:30 handstand or tripod hold]
For 10:00
Evens: 1 hang squat snatch + 2 overhead squats
Odds: :30 double unders or single unders
For 10:00
Evens: 23 wall walks or 46 handstand push ups
Odds: 10 box jumps
For 10:00
Evens: 57 toes to bar
Odds: tough farmers carry down/back turf
Friday September 9
A. Max out Friday
Program Notes
You must know your 3 rep max or 1 rep max. If you don’t know that figure that out today. Go to your best 3 rep max then multiply that number by .03336. Multiply the number you get by 3. Then add that to the load you lifted. Example 100lbs x 0.03336 = 3.336 then (3.336x3)+100 = 110 Theoretical 1 rep Max. (T1RM)
Enter your Results Here
Bench Press
Week 1
A) Work to your best set of 5 reps without failing any attempts.
B) Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .65 and do 5 reps EMOM for 10 min.
Back Squat
Week 1
A) Work to your best set of 5 reps without failing any attempts.
B) Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .65 and do a max effort set with it.
Dead Lift
Week 1
A) Work to your best set of 5 reps without failing any attempts.
B) Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .65 and do 5 Reps EMOM for 5 Min.
AMRAP in 8:00 with a partner, partners trade movements:
10 front squats, 65/95
200m run or 250m row
15 kettlebell swings