Monday September 12
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 kettlebell swings + :20:30 passive hang from bar]
A. Split jerk clusters, 3x1.1.1, :10 between singles, 2:00 rest between sets
For 15:00
1st: 12 rope climbs or 5 pull ups/ring rows
2nd: 10 box jump overs
3rd: 57 touch and go deadlifts, moderate, you pick the weight
2 rounds not for time:
10 hollow to superman rolls
20m/side 1arm dumbbell overhead carry
Tuesday September 13
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 wall balls + :60 kipping practice]
A. Back squat, 5544 @22x1 tempo; 2:00 rest
B. Strict pull ups, negatives, or ring rows, 3x68 @20x1 tempo; :60 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
6 thrusters, heavy, don’t go above 95/135
12 burpees
30 double unders (scaled 15 double unders) or 70 single unders
Wednesday September 14
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [20m bear crawl + 10 PVC good mornings]
A. Power clean, 14x1 @6070% of 1RM power clean, begin a set every :30
B. Halting snatch grip deadlift (pause just off ground, just below knee, just above knee, all the
way up, then same thing on the way back down) 333 beginning at 1RM snatch and adding, :90
For time:
30 toes to bar
400m run
30 power cleans, 65/95
Not for time:
Accumulate :60/side plank
Thursday September 15
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 goblet squats + :20:30 handstand or tripod hold]
For 10:00
Evens: 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat
Odds: 13 muscle ups, muscle ups transitions, or 57 ring dips
For 10:00
Evens: 10 alternating pistol squats or light dumbbell lunges
Odds: :30 double unders or single unders
For 10:00
Evens: 12 handrelease push ups
Odds: :30 row or airdyne @high effort
Friday September 16
A. Max out Friday
Bench Press
Week 2
Work to your best set of 3 reps without failing any attempts.
Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .70 and do a max effort set with it.
Back Squat
Week 2
Work to your best set of 3 reps without failing any attempts.
Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .70 and do a max effort set with it.
Dead Lift
Week 2
Work to your best set of 3 reps without failing any attempts.
Take the weight used and plug it into the formula above to find your T1RM
Take that number and multiply it by .70 and do 5 sets of 5 Reps with it.
For time with a partner, one person working at a time:
400m run w/wall ball
60 wall balls, 20 to 10/14 to 9’
50 sit ups
40 kettlebell swings
30 burpees
400m run w/wall ball
Saturday September 17
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
Mobility coach led
2 rounds [5 strict pull ups + 10 dumbbell squats]
A. Front rack alternating lunges, 3x15 meters, 2:00 rest
B. Pendlay row, 3x810, 2:00 rest
4 sets for reps:
:60 pull ups
:60 dumbbell reverse flys
:60 wall walks
:60 goblet squats