A. 3 clean grip deadlifts, 2 hang power cleans, 1 split jerk, build to a max of the complex in 15:00
B1. DB rows, 3x8-10/arm
B2. Strict pull ups, 3xME
AMRAP in 12:00
400 meter row
10 HSPU/4 wall walks
12 DB push press
40 double unders
A. 3 clean grip deadlifts, 2 hang power cleans, 1 split jerk, build to a max of the complex in 15:00
B1. DB rows, 3x8-10/arm
B2. Strict pull ups, 3xME
AMRAP in 12:00
400 meter row
10 HSPU/4 wall walks
12 DB push press
40 double unders