Part A:
10 Back Squats @70% of 1RM
60 Sec Rest
10 Ring Rows (feet up on platform)
60 Sec Rest
x 4
Part B:
3 ME sets of strict Pull Ups. (hold 5 Seconds at the top)
Part C:
30 Sec of DU
30 Sec of Thrusters (#45)
30 Sec of Rest
5 Rounds
Part A:
10 Back Squats @70% of 1RM
60 Sec Rest
10 Ring Rows (feet up on platform)
60 Sec Rest
x 4
Part B:
3 ME sets of strict Pull Ups. (hold 5 Seconds at the top)
Part C:
30 Sec of DU
30 Sec of Thrusters (#45)
30 Sec of Rest
5 Rounds