Congratulations Delphine for being named June Member of the Month! Give her a shout out when you see her - although she does train at 5:30 am, so if your not a morning person that may be difficult :)

Delphine, you get it - you get the importance of consistency, the benefit of a daily fitness routine, and the purpose of perfecting movements. We are so happy you joined a year ago, it’s been a blast training with you!

What got you into exercise? I wanted to challenge myself past home workouts

How long have you been training at MSC? Almost a year - July 2021

What's your favorite exercise? Probably cleans or back squat, HSPU are becoming a favorite too :)

What inspires you?: The amazing potential our minds and bodies can achieve through exercise. Also, being a good role model to my boys

What exercise are you currently working to perfect?: Deadlifts, TTB and double unders

What do you work towards in your free time? My faith and my family

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