Congratulations to Stephanie Eager, the April MesserFit Member of the Month! Stephanie always shows up ready to work hard and to support and encourage other MesserFit athletes. Thank you Stephanie for helping to promote our gym principles every time you train! We are so happy to have you with us!

What got you into exercise? I wanted to get in better shape after my youngest was born.

How long have you been training at MSC? 5 months

What's your favorite exercise? Rowing - really anything BUT the bike

What inspires you? This is a long list in which the MesserFit trainers and other athletes at the gym are at the top. Everyone has a quality to look up to like their grit, positive attitude, dedication, and strength. Working out with these amazing individuals makes me want to work harder.

What exercise are you currently working to perfect? Pull-ups and double unders

What do you work towards in your free time? I’m working towards cleaner eating and sharing that with my family.

Why are you “all in” at MesserFit?

“I tried several gyms but could not consistently show up to make it worth my time and money. Once I started at MesserFit, I found myself making the work-outs a priority - often coming in on my own time to work on a move. The feeling of being accountable to myself was really empowering. I owe a lot of this to the MesserFit community. Seeing other athletes consistently train hard, getting stronger and hitting their PR’s, made me also want to succeed. In order to do that, I know I need to train like a MesserFit athlete - with consistency, grit, and dedication. It’s an awesome place to be a part of!”

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