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Tuesday May 18th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 rounds of: 200m jog + 30’ HSW + 10 calorie bike, leg swings and calf/ankle stretches as needed…

8 Rounds

20/16 Calorie Bike Erg

400m Run

10 OHS #135#95

*3 Minutes rest after every 3 rounds

Power Snatches

5 x 10 reps 

*Rest 90 seconds after each set. 

*Work up in weight each set starting at 135/95#.

Power Snatch

5 x 1 rep 

*Building up in weight each set to a moderately heavy single for the day!

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, twisted cross stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 single arm DB clean and jerk (light) + 10 push ups + 5 strict pull ups, then warm up to bench and DB weight and get a few pull ups before starting…

8 Rounds for time

5 Bench 225/145#

10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 80/60#

15 Pull Ups

Ski Erg

10 x 250m super threshold

w/1 min rest between intervals.

Monday May 17th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle + 10 seated good mornings + Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg, as low as you can)

Row Interval :30 Threshold pace :30 Sec Recovery Pace x20

Barbell Walking Lunges

3x20 55-65% of back squat max

Rest 2 Min

3x70% of max pull ups

5 Rounds (1:1)


15 Yard HSW

3 Legless Rope Climbs

Warm up - couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, work your way through 5-10 reps of each movement as a warm up!

For time

50 Calorie Ski

50 Reverse Hypers 50% of Max Back Squat

400 M Sandbag Carry (bear hug) 100 lbs

50 Wall Ball 20/14#

50 Ring Dips

50 Wall Ball 20/14#

400 M Sandbag Carry (bear hug) 100lbs

50 Reverse Hypers 50% of Max Back Squat

50 Calorie Ski

Saturday May 15th

Warm up - couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 90/90 hip opener, twisted cross stretch, 20 air squats w/hip circle, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 kip swings + 10 barbell thrusters, warm up to thruster weight and get a few double unders to warm up…

Famers Carry Max Distance 10 Min - Use a trap bar, rickshaw, KBs, DB, Whatever you want @.75% Body Weight

3-5 Rounds

2-3 Pin Press (top 50% ROM)

3-5 High Incline DB Bench Press

5 Snatch High Pull From the Hang

20 Sec Max effort arms only Echo Bike

For Max Reps 95/65

5 Min Double Under

5 Min Hang Clean Thrusters

3 Min Double Under

3 Min Hang Clean Thrusters

1 Min Double Under

1 Min Hang Clean Thrusters

Friday May 14th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle + 10 seated good mornings + Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg, as low as you can)

.25 Mile Bike

15 Back Squats 135/95#

.25 Mile Bike

12 Back Squats 135/95#

.25 Mile Bike

9 Back Squats 135/95#

Rest 5 min

.25 Mile Bike

12 Back Squats 185/135#

.25 Mile Bike

9 Back Squats 185/135#

.25 Mile Bike

6 Back Squats 185/135#

Rest 5 min

.25 Mile Bike

9 Back Squats 225/155#

.25 Mile Bike

6 Back Squats 225/155#

.25 Mile Bike

3 Back Squats 225/155#

Rest as Needed

With a partner for time:

400 Sand Bag Carry 100 lbs


3 Rounds Each (1:1)

12 Toes to Bar

6 Deadlifts 315/225#

3 Rounds Each (1:1)

12 Toes to Bar

4 Deadlifts 365/245#

3 Rounds Each (1:1)

12 Toes to Bar

2 Deadlifts 405/275#

3 Rounds Each (1:1)

12 Toes to Bar

1 Deadlifts 455/(heavy singles)#


400 Yard Sand Bag Carry 100 lbs

Wednesday May 12th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, 20 shoulder rolls, couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, 2 rounds of: 5 Split squats (Each leg, lunge stance, as deep as you can go into lunge) +  10 seated barbell good mornings (on bench) + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each side x 2). 

Barbell technique: Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Squat Snatch: work up to 60%

Snatch Triples

9 x 3 reps up to 80sh%

Snatch Singles

1,1,1 Above what you hit for your triple for the day

5 Rounds for time

24 GHD Sit Ups

9 Overhead Squats 135/95#

Rest 10 minutes

5 Rounds for time

6 Bar Muscle Ups

6 OHS 165/115#

Tuesday May 11th

Warm up - 3 min jog + leg swings + calf/ankle stair stretch + squat hold/spiderman stretch, 3 x 50yd strides, warm up to sled weight and roll into workout building as you go!

8 Rounds

400m Run @5k pace

8 Deadlift #225/185

400m Recovery Row

PM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, spiderman stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 10 single arm DB press (5 each arm), 20 air squats (w/hip circle), 2 rounds of: 3 strict chin ups (w/4-5 second eccentric)


Stone from ground to chest #185


Rope Climbs 

Push Jerk

5 x 5 reps @ 70-75% (Of 1RM power clean)

*All sets at the same weight

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