Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle + 10 seated good mornings + Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg, as low as you can)
.25 Mile Bike
15 Back Squats 135/95#
.25 Mile Bike
12 Back Squats 135/95#
.25 Mile Bike
9 Back Squats 135/95#
Rest 5 min
.25 Mile Bike
12 Back Squats 185/135#
.25 Mile Bike
9 Back Squats 185/135#
.25 Mile Bike
6 Back Squats 185/135#
Rest 5 min
.25 Mile Bike
9 Back Squats 225/155#
.25 Mile Bike
6 Back Squats 225/155#
.25 Mile Bike
3 Back Squats 225/155#
Rest as Needed
With a partner for time:
400 Sand Bag Carry 100 lbs
3 Rounds Each (1:1)
12 Toes to Bar
6 Deadlifts 315/225#
3 Rounds Each (1:1)
12 Toes to Bar
4 Deadlifts 365/245#
3 Rounds Each (1:1)
12 Toes to Bar
2 Deadlifts 405/275#
3 Rounds Each (1:1)
12 Toes to Bar
1 Deadlifts 455/(heavy singles)#
400 Yard Sand Bag Carry 100 lbs