Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), pigeon stretch (60 sec each), squat hold (60 seconds), ankle/calf stair stretch, 2 rounds of: 1:00 bike erg (w/hip circle) + 15 air squats + 10 single leg glute bridge (5 each) + 90/90 hip opener drill (3 reps each side) + spiderman stretch, then w/barbell front rack stretch, 5 muscle cleans, 5 front squats, 5 squat cleans… repeat until loose…
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean
*5 sets here, working up from 60% as your first set. Drop the bar between reps. Work up to 80-85% for your last set.
Squat Clean
*Continue to work up in weight to a heavy single for the day!
Clean Pulls
4 x 3 @ 100-105% of 1RM Clean
2 Rounds for time
100 Bar Facing Burpees
300’ Handstand Walk
100 Toes to Bar
50 Bar Muscle Ups
This should be a rest, sprint, rest, sprint, sesh