Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), pigeon stretch (60 sec each), squat hold (60 sec), 2 rounds of: 1 minute Bike erg (w/hip circle) + 15 air squats + 10 single leg glute bridge (5 each w/pause @ top) + 90/90 hip opener (3-4 reps each side) + ankle/calf stair stretch
Super Slow Front Squats
10 sec eccentric, squat up half way, back to bottom, then squat all the way. Work to a heavy for the day.
3 Minutes ON/1 Minute OFF x 5 Rounds
5 Muscle Ups
10 Pistols (Alternating legs: I hate doing these but we should at least test them once before the open lol)
15yd Handstand Walk
PM Session
Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), pigeon stretch (60 sec each), twisted cross (60 sec each), lacrosse ball to under shoulder blade and trap (2 min each side), 2 rounds of: 10 single arm DB Press (5 each arm) + 10 shoulder rolls + 5 burpee over bar + 15 air squats + 10 barbell power snatch
GHD Sit Ups
Strict HSPU
Rest 10 minutes
Bar Facing Burpees
Power Snatch 135/95#