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AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, calf/ankle stair stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/hip circle + 10 lateral steps (each way) + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each). Then, 2 rounds of: barbell front rack stretch + 5 muscle cleans + 3 squat cleans, stretch as needed…

EMOM x 10 minutes

1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean

*All sets should be around 75-80% of 1RM Squat Clean

Clean Pulls

5 x 3 reps @ 100% of 1RM Clean

5 Rounds

10 Deadlift 275/205#

15 Bar Facing Burpees

20 Wall Ball 20/14#

*Rest 1 minute after each round. Work transitions movement to movement and try and stay moving throughout. 

PM Session

Warm up - 

10-20 minutes of hip/hamstring/back mobility…

For 25 minutes Row:

15 Seconds 500 Pace

45 Second 5K Pace

10-20 minutes of hip/hamstring/back mobility…

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