AM Session
Warm up - couch stretch, spiderman stretch, squat hold, leg swings (10 each way), 2 rounds easy of: 400m Run + 15 calorie row + 15 calorie bike erg, calf/ankle stair stretch
EMOM For 16 Min
Min 1: 15 KBS
Min 2: 12/9 Ski Erg
Alternating Minutes x 30 minutes
Min 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Min 2: 15/12 Calorie Bike
Min 3: 200m Run
1 Minute Rest
*If the clock catches you, complete 5 rounds with a 1 minute rest after each round!
PM Session
Crossover symmetry activation, twisted cross stretch, shoulder rolls, 2 sets of: 10 bent over rows + 10 push ups + 15 hollow rocks
Bench Press
6 x 2 reps @ 80-85%
6 x 5 Heavy Trap Bar Row
Every 1:30 x 3 sets
10 Strict HSPU
5-7 Muscle Ups
Every 1:30 x 3 sets
5 Strict DHSPU
5-7 Muscle Up + 1 extra dip per MU