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Warm up - 2 rounds of: 1:00 bike w/hip circle + 15 air squats + 10 shoulder rolls + couch stretch/spiderman stretch (60 sec each side), 2 rounds of: 9 thrusters + 9 pull ups + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each side), then 1 round of: 5 thrusters (@ weight) + 5 CTB pull Ups + 5 GHD Sit Ups

5 Rounds for time

21 GHD Sit Ups

15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

9 Thrusters 135/95

Take a large rest

EMOM x 10 minutes (same minute)

10 Burpees

3 Cleans 155/100#

if you get caught finish the 10 Rounds for time

EMOM x 10 minutes (same minute)

30 Double Unders

3 Strict Muscle Ups

if you get caught finish the 10 Rounds for time

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