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AM Session

Warm up - Crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch (60 sec each), elevated pigeon stretch, squat hold, twisted cross stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats + 10 walking lunge steps + 90/90 hip opener (3 reps each side) + 10 cossack squats + calf/ankle stair stretch. 

Back Squats

4x10 @70 with 25% band Tension

2 Rounds

100’ Double DB Walking Lunge

20 Burpees (6” touch)

40 Toes to Bar

100’ Double DB Walking Lunge

20 Burpees (6” touch)

20 Bar Muscle Ups

*Rest until the clock hits 15:00 and go again

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, 2 rounds of: 30 single unders/Du’s 10 deadlifts + 10 hang power clean + 10 shoulder to overhead + couch stretch (30 sec) + 10 air squats + lat/pec stretch (30 sec), then work up to workout weight, at each weight do 3 deadlifts + 3 hang power clean + 3 shoulder to overhead. Get at least one set at your working weight. 

EMOM x 10 minutes (Same minute)

30 Double Unders

1 Deadlifts

2 Hang Power Cleans 

1 Push Jerk

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