AM Session
Warm up - couch stretch (30-60 sec each side), Pigeon stretch (30-60 sec each side), calf/ankle stair stretch (30-60 sec each side), 2 rounds: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 air squats + 10 cossack squats + 25’ HSW + 1 rope climb
3 Rounds for time
25’ Handstand Walk (Or 10 Kipping HSPU)
25 Wall Ball 30/20#
25’ Handstand Walk
15 Strict Pull Ups
Rest until the 20:00 mark, OR at least 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time
25’ Handstand walk
25 DB Overhead Squat 35-50 lbs
25’ Handstand Walk
15 Strict Pull Ups
PM Session
Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch (30-60 sec each side), lat/pec stretch, cossack squats (5 each way + stretch), 15 air squats (varying stance width and toe angle), 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 OHS (Pvc) + spiderman stretch + calf/ankle stair stretch
EMOM (Warm up)
7 x 3 reps Squat Snatch (Touch and go) @ 135/95
*Use this as technique work and warm up. Stay tight on the way down, don’t just slam the bar down hard.
Work up to a heavy double for the day! .
Deadlift @45%
Box Jumps 24/20
Chest to Bar Pull Ups