Session 1
For time: 2000m Row
*Every 2:00 complete 50’ HSWalk.
Session 2
Warm up - couch stretch (1 min each side), pigeon stretch (30 sec), ankle mobility, cossack squat stretch (10 sec each side x 2), 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (varying stance width and toe angle) + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 barbell power cleans + 5 Front Squats
4 Sets:
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
*Working up in weight each set
2-3 More Sets:
1 Squat Clean
*Continue to work up in weight each set.
Front Squats
*Work up in weight each set to a heavy top double for the day.
5 Rounds
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg
20 Air Squats
100m Hard Run
*Rest 1 minute between each round or start a new round every 3:00!