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Warm up - Couch stretch (30 seconds each) + worlds greatest stretch + lat/pec stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 calorie bike erg + 10 air squats w/pause above parallel + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 shoulder to overhead + 10 kip swings.

5 Rounds

AMRAP 2 minutes

24/20 Calorie Bike Erg

8 Push Press 185/125#

Max Toes to Bar with time remaining.

*Rest 1 minute between rounds.

3 Rounds

50’ HSW

5 Squat Snatch 185/125#

Rest 1:1

3 Rounds

50’ HSW

3 Squat Snatch 225/155#

Rest 1:1

3 Rounds

50’ HSW

1 Squat Snatch 245/165

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