Warm Up: Warm up - couch stretch (30 sec each side), quat hold (60 sec), hamstring smash (1 min each side) 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 kip swings + 15 air squats, 2 rounds of: 10 barbell thrusters + 5 pull ups, stretch as needed…
A) 21-15-9
OHS and Pull Ups #95#65
5 Min Rest and set up
Work 5 Sets to Daily Heavy
2 Snatch Grip Push Press + 1 Snatch Balance
B) 15-12-9
OHS and CTB PU #115#95
5 Min rest and set up for
5 Sets to Daily Heavy
1 Power Snatch 1 squat snatch
C) 12-9-6
OHS and Bar Muscle Up or Ring
5 Min Rest and set up for
3 Sets to Daily Heavy set of 3
4” deficit Snatch Pull (stand on plate)
D) 2x50 Ab Mat Sit ups