Back Squat
Set 1: 93% x 1, rest two minutes, then 83% x 4
Set 2: (add 10 lbs to the 1 rep set if possible) 93% x 1, rest two minutes, then 83% x 4
Set 3: (add 10 lbs to the 1 rep set if possible) 93% x 1, rest two minutes, then 83% x 4+
Conventional Deadlifts 3RM (9 RPE, 6 Sec eccentric)
5x30 Push Ups
13 Burpee Box Jumps
11 Clean and Jerk #165#110
9 Cal Bike
4 Min Time Cap. Every time you do a round add 4 min to your time cap and 3 cal to your bike Hooooozaaa!