A1) Snatch Push Press 75% for 3 x 2
A2) Overhead Squat (paused 3 sec in bottom) 75% for 3 x 1
B) Snatch Max Effort Competition Style (*see Golden Rule) Pull to Hip + Snatch: Max
C) Clean and Jerk Max Effort Competition Style (*see Golden Rule) Clean Pull to Hip + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max
D) Bench Press
Set 1: 88% x 2, rest two minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 2: (add 10lbs to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest two minutes, then 73% x 6
Set 3: (add 10 lbs to each weight if possible) 88% x 2, rest two minutes, then 73% x 6+
E1) JM Press 5x 8
E2) Cable Mid Row 5x10
E3): Seated Dumbbell Curls 5 x 10
5 Rounds
10m HSW
20 Single Arm KB Squat Cleans #70#55#35 (it should be very hard for you to get 20 of these without resting in your later rounds. Don’t go light)
100 Double Unders (screw your feelings xoxo)
Not For time
Cool down bike