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Session 1

Warm up - 4 Rounds 200m Jog + 15 Hollow Rocks + 15 Hip Presses then 2 x 10 deadlifts (light weight), then 5-10 KBS, roll into workout…


6 Deadlifts 225/155#

7 Burpee Pull Ups

10 Cal Ski

200m Run

the goal here is to just stay moving at a consistent pace throughout. 


-Work up to a heavy single for the day

-1 x Max Reps @ 87% of that heavy single.

5 Rounds for quality

6 Strict DHSPU (Assisted if needed)

6 Strict Weighed CHIN Ups

20 V-Ups

Session 2

Every 3:00 for as long as possible…

5,10,15,20,25,30…reps of

Bike Calories

Row Calories 

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