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Bergner Warm Up


Snatch Max Effort 3RM, then -15% for 3

Clean and Jerk Max Effort 3RM, then -15% for 3

Bench Press

Set 1: 75% x 3, rest two minutes, then 60% x 10

Set 2: (add 5 kg to each weight if possible) 75% x 3, rest two minutes, then 60% x 10

Set 3: (add 5 kg to each weight if possible) 75% x 3, rest two minutes, then 60% x 10


A1: JM Press 4 x 10

A2: Pullovers 4 x 10

A3: Close Grip Presses 4 x 10

B) Fat Grip Curls 3 x 10

A1) Rows 3 x 10

A2) Face Pulls 3 x 10


5 Rounds

24 KB Snatch #24#16

20 Lunges

16 Cal Ski

1 Min Rest

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