Move through your necessary Mobility Concepts. And post you session comments.
2 Rounds:
:20s Jump Rope + 10 Slow Air Squats
:20s Jump Rope + :30s Alternating Warrior Squats
:20s Jump Rope + 10 Light Russian Kettlebell Swings
:20s Jump Rope + 5 Inchworms
1 Round
Steady Through
:30 Dead hang from pull up bar
5:00 Row
30 Walking Lunge Steps #95/65
PRE FATIGUE (New Category)
3 Rounds
50’ Back Rack Walking Lunges #225/155
Rest 2 Min
Each set the bar comes off the ground. Don’t let the RX freak you out If you have never done these take the 3 sets to work up to your heaviest and best.
Find 5RM Deadlift
No bouncing. Control each rep and just let the bar tap the floor while going touch and go for all 5.
5 Muscle Ups
30 Power Snatchs #75#55
5 Muscle Ups
30 OHS #75#55
5 Muscle Ups
30 Squat Snatches #75#55
3 Super Sets
12 Single Arm DB Bench Press
12 Incline Chest Supported Rows
12 Chest Supported Rear Delt Flys (90 Sec Rest)