How is everyone doing after Murph? Did your legs hold up? We should have had a very good squat cycle rate based on the leg volume we have been bulding? What was the harderst evolution to get through for you?
3 Rounds:
3 Spidermans each side
12 Hollow Rocks
3 Walkouts
12 Back Extensions
2 Rounds
2 Min Bike + 8 HSPU + 15 Pause Goblet Squat DB
10 Bear Hug Sand bag Lunges (5 Per leg) #100/50
:20 Plank :20 Side Plank :20 Side Plank
Rest as needed
4 Rounds
4x4 Back Squat at 85%
Option 1:
3 Rounds
40 Double Under
20 DB Snatch #50#30
40 Double Under
20 Cal Row
Option 2:
3 Rounds
15 Front Squats #185/125
25 TTB
35 push ups (always using games standard: chest to ground with knees not touching the ground)
25 Band Pull Aparts
20 Batwing Row (sorry I didn’t have a video im my library, just skip through all the bla bla bla)
15 Cable Tricep press downs
Do as many rounds as you want