Make sure to keep up your tissue work with the foam roller noted in post #1 and #2
2 Rounds, Not for Time:
1:00 Light Row
6 Slow Scap Retractions
5 Walkouts
4 Spiderman + Reach (each side)
3 Baby Makers
3 Rounds
20 BW Walking Lunges
15 Shoulder Taps (inverted)
10 Box Jump and Step Downs
A1) 3x10 Back Rack Walking Lunges (5 per leg) - #225#185
A2) 3x10 Handstand Push Ups on #25 plates
Rest as needed between exercises.
Back Squat
5x5 @ 72.5% 1Rm
Bench Press - Use a medium grip. Hands inside the power rings
5x5 @80% 1RM
Every 3 Min complete one round
10-8-6-4-6-9-10 Overhead Squats #205
1 Max Effort set of muscle ups
(Round 1 & 2 example: On the 0:00 complete 10 Overhead Squats and one max effort set of muscle ups. On the 3:00 Complete 8 Overhead Squats and one Max effort set of Muscle ups…)