2 Rounds:
1:30 Light Row or Bike
5 Scap Retractions
10 Slow Air Squats
:30s Alternating Warrior Squats
2 Rounds:
:30s Spiderman + Reach
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Pausing Glute Bridges
:30s Baby Makers
2 Steady Rounds
20 Banded Good Mornings
15 Pull Ups
2k Bike
AMRAP :90 Sec x 3 - DB OR KB Goblet Squats #100#70
Rest two min. Jim Wendler had a student use a 100# DB and do over 100 hundreds reps…what ya got?
Find 3 RM strict press from the rack. - 10 min time cap
50 DB Thrusters (50/35)s
50 Cal AB
For Time
3 Rounds
20 Reverse Hypers of back extensions
20 TTB (5 strict, 5 kipping, 5 cross body (per leg)