Monday, September 16
Warm-up: 1:00 easy row (1x) directly into 8-7-6-5 power clean (start w/ empty barbell + build to Strength weight) + dips from bench + ring row (:01 pause @ top) + air squat (:03 pause @ bottom)
In 15:00, superset x5 (:60 rest between supersets) -
5-4-3-2-1 Power clean @ BW, ¾ BW, or ½ BW (:10 rest b/t singles)
Max unbroken set (1x) - dips from rings, dip handles, or bench
For time -
1,000 meter row
50 thruster (45/35)
30 pull-up or ring row
3x10-15 plate bent over row @ moderate weight
Tuesday, September 17
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt reverse Samson + 8 barbell hip thrust (light) + 6/side banded RDL + 4 inch worm w/ push-up + :30 easy jump rope + :30 easy bike
In 12:00, superset x3 (:90 rest between supersets) -
6/side single leg KB RDL (53/35 or 35/20 or 25/15)
12 barbell hip thrust (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45)
18 alt goblet lunge (53/35 or 35/20 or 25/15)
Every 3:00 x6 (18:00) -
Set 1 and 4: 400 meter run
Set 2 and 5: 100 double under or 200 singles
Set 3 and 6: 30/24 calorie bike
*Scale reps as needed to assure :60 rest / round
1:00/side figure-4 stretch on wall + 1:00/side couch stretch on incline bench
Wednesday, September 18
Warm-up: 8-6-4 deadlift (light) + alt box step-up + burpee broad jump + supine toes-to-rig + alt toe touch from plank + thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge + alt pistol squat to bench
30:00 EMOM -
14 alt pistol squat
7 burpee box jump or burpee alt step-up (24/20 in)
14 deadlift (135/95 or 95/65)
7 burpee box jump-over or burpee alt step-over
14 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
*Aim to complete reps in under :45; scale as needed
3x max effort Sorenson hold (rest 2:00 once you break)
Thursday, September 19
Warm-up: 5-4-3 snatch pull + snatch high pull + muscle snatch + overhead squat (empty barbell) + scorpion stretch/side + :30 banded good morning
Every :90 x8 (12:00) - build to moderate complex (all 4 reps should be unbroken) -
1 snatch grip deadlift
1 high hang power snatch
1 low hang power snatch
1 power snatch
For time -
30 alt DB snatch
30 alt DB hang clean and jerk
*Suggested DB weight for both movements = 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15
Accumulate 30-50 prone T raises, :01 pause @ top
Friday, September 20
Warm-up: 200 meter easy jog (1x) directly into 8-6-4 pvc pass through + alt hamstring scoop + back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + DB bench press (2 @ light weight) + kip swing + :30 easy jump rope
Every 2:00 x6 (12:00) -
DB bench press (start light and build to heavy set of 4 if possible)
For time (20:00 cap) -
800 meter run (scale to 400)
40 double under or 80 singles
20 back squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45)
10 bar muscle-up or pull variation
-2:00 rest-
10 bar muscle-up or pull variation
20 back squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45)
40 double under or 80 singles
800 meter run (scale to 400)
Accumulate 1:00/side banded lat stretch
Accumulate 1:00 straddle stretch sequence (:05 hold in each position)
Saturday, September 21
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 alt plank-up + 10 alt thoracic reach from low squat + 8 muscle clean (light) + 6 alt front rack elbow punch + :30 easy row or ski
12:00 EMOM -
Max distance unbroken handstand walk, :30 handstand hold (shift weight if possible), or :30-:45 challenging plank
3-5 power clean, getting warm for WOD
In 20:00, complete the following @ steady pace (high focus on power clean form) -
3,000 meter row or ski (scale to 1,500)
Every 2:00, starting @ 0:00 - 1 power clean (195/135 or 135/95 or 95/65)
Tabata push-up