Monday, March 18 - Saturday, March 23

Monday, March 18

Warm-up:  2:00 easy row, bike, ski, or run, directly into 5-4-3-2 thruster (start w/ empty barbell) + kip swing or :20 hollow hold + push-up to pike + Cossack squat/side + prone swimmers


24.3 (15:00 cap) 

5 rounds for time -

10 thrusters (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

10 chest-to-bar pull-ups, jumping pull-up, or bent-over DB row (2 @ moderate weight) 

-1:00 rest-

5 rounds for time -

7 thrusters (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45) 

7 bar muscle-up, chin-over-bar pull-up, or push-ups  


2-3 rounds - 

  1. :30 alt supine lumbar rotations

  2. :30/side seated hamstring stretch

  3. :30/side lateral lat/trunk stretch from rig

  4. :30/side banded hip flexor stretch

  5. :30/side prone pec stretch

  6. 10-15 cat cow 

Tuesday, March 19

Warm-up:  2 rounds - :30 easy row + 8 alt reverse Samson + :30 easy bike + 10 alt toe touch from plank + :30 easy ski + 6/side 1-arm OH walking lunge (start light) 


Every :90 x3 (9:00) -

  1. 8-10 DB lat pullover (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)

  2. 8-10/side 1-arm overhead walking lunge (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


Every 7:00 x3 (21:00) @ steady pace -

40/30 cal row or ski (scale to 30/20) 

30 sit-ups 

20/15 cal bike (scale to 15/9) 

10 burpees or up downs 


3x10-12/side banded Pallof rotations

Wednesday, March 20

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 12 alt groiners + 10 banded good morning + 8 deadlift (light weight) + 6/side thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation + 4 inch worm w/ push-up 


8:00 EMOM - 

3 deadlift, building to slightly heavier weight than you plan to lift in WOD 


16:00 EMOM - 

  1. 2 wall walks + 4 deadlift (275/205 or 225/155 or 135/95)

  2. 50 double under or 100 singles (scale to 30 dubs / 75 singles) 

  3. 9 renegade row plus push-up (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)

  4. Rest 


Accumulate 1:00-2:00/side Copenhagen plank

Thursday, March 21

Warm-up:  8-6-4 bootstrapper + alt quad stretch + alt box step up + alt scorpion stretch + KB hip opener stretch/side + back squat (start w/ empty barbell and slowly build)


In 15:00, superset the following x4 (:90 rest between supersets) -

  1. 5 back squat (start light and build to WOD weight) 

  2. 10-15/side banded X walk


For time - 

15 back squat (175/125 or 155/105 or 105/75) 

12 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-up variation 

9 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) 

18 back squat (155/105 or 135/95 or 85/55)  

15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-up variation 

12 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) 

21 back squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 45/35) 

18 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-up variation 

15 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) 


Accumulate 50-75 seated banded hamstring curls

Friday, March 22

Warm-up: 2:00 easy row, bike, ski or run directly into 5-4-3-2-1 power clean + bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + thoracic rotation/side from runners lunge + :30 alt calf stretch + :30 high knees 

Partner WOD

For time (you go, I go) -

Buy-in: 400 meter run (together)


Bench press (155/105 or 105/75 or 75/55) 

Bike calories 

-Directly into-


Hang power clean (155/105 or 105/75 or 75/55) 

Row or ski cals

Cash-out: 400 meter run (together)


8-10/side supine banded open book

Saturday, March 23 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2 power snatch (start w/ empty barbell + build to 60% 1RM) + OHS w/ light barbell or pvc + pvc pass through + :30 HS hold or plank + :30 warm up for gymnastics skill of choice


Every :90 x4 (12:00) - 

  1. :30-:45 work on handstand skill of choice (e.g., HS walk, HSPU, etc) 

  2. :30-:45 skill work on rings or rig (e.g., toes-to-rings, pull-up, muscle-up, etc) 


In 20:00 complete the following @ steady pace (:60 rest between sets) -

Power snatch or push press (athlete’s choice)

10-9-8-7-6 @ 60% 1RM or moderate weight (touch and go if possible) 

5-4-3-2-1 @ 75% 1RM or moderately heavy weight (:10 rest between singles) 


4x8-10 v-sit hammer curl from bench (2 @ 30/20 or 20/10)

Monday, March 11 - Saturday, March 16

Monday, March 11

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4 banded good morning + alt Cossack squat + alt reverse Samson + deadlift (start light and build to WOD weight) + :30 easy jump rope + :30 easy row 


20:00 AMRAP - 

300 meter row 

10 deadlift (185/125 or 135/95 or 75/55) 

50 double under, singles, or jumping jacks 


Superset the following x3 (:60 rest between supersets) -

  1. 16-20 alt renegade row (2 @ 40/25 or 30/15 or 20/10) 

  2. 16-20 strict press (empty barbell @ 45/35) 

  3. 16-20 alt back rack lunge (empty barbell @ 45/35 or 30/15 or 20/10) 

Tuesday, March 12

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 8 bootstrappers + :30 gymnastics skill warm-up + 4/side 1-arm DB thruster (start light and build) ) + :30 easy bike + 8 pvc pass through 


Every :90 x4 (12:00) -

  1. :45-:60 work on gymnastics skill of choice 

  2. :30-:60 DB plank pull through (use thruster weight if possible)


Every 3:00 x6 (18:00) -

6 1-arm DB thruster, right (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

10 bike cals (scale to 7) 

6 1-arm DB thruster, left (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


Accumulate 30-45 banded cat cows

Wednesday, March 13

Warm-up:  100 meter jog directly into 5-4-3-2-1 hanging scap pull or banded scap pull + pistol squat to bench/side + ring row (:03 pause @ top) + :30 alt quad stretch


In 14:00, complete the following for 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -


Alt pistol squat (see videos below for scaling ideas) 

V-up (weighted if possible)


For time - 

75 pull-ups or ring rows (scale to 55) 

*200 meter run every time you break 


Accumulate 1:00/side banded lat stretch + 1:00/side banded hip flexor stretch 

Thursday, March 14

Warm-up: 6-5-4-3 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to 55% 1RM) + banded pull-apart + scorpion stretch/side + thoracic reach from low squat/side 


8:00 EMOM (start @ 55% and build to a challenging complex if possible) - 

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean 


15:00 EMOM for total reps -

  1. :45 max hang power clean (95/65 or 65/45) 

  2. :45 max sit-ups 

  3. Rest 


Accumulate 40-60 Superman arch-ups

Friday, March 15

Warm-up:  10-8-6-4-2 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to 85% 1RM) + push-up to pike + alt box step-up + banded snow angel 


In 14:00, superset the following drop set for 3 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 4 bench press @ 85% 1RM 

  2. 6 bench press @ 75% 1RM 

  3. 8 bench press @ 65% 1RM 


For time - 

20 toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow

40 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) 

20 toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 

40 burpees or up downs 


3x8-10/side 1-arm ring row

Saturday, March 16 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 front squat + 5 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + :30 HS hold or plank + 5 dual DB snatch + 5 dual DB power clean (start light and build to WOD) + :30 alt toe touch from plank 


30:00 EMOM - 

  1. 7 back squat (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65) 

  2. 5 DB snatch (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) + max push-ups on DB’s 

  3. Rest 

  4. 7 front squat (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65) 

  5. 5 DB power clean (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) + max distance HS walk, HS weight shifts on wall (or from pike position), or challenging plank 

  6. Rest


3x8-10/side supine banded open book

Monday, March 4 - Saturday, March 9

Monday, March 4

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4 banded good morning + alt toe touch from plank + alt DB snatch (start light and build) + pvc pass through + banded pull apart 



For time (15:00 cap) -

21 DB snatch (arm 1)

21 lateral burpees over DB

21 DB snatch (arm 2) 

21 lateral burpees over DB 

15 DB snatch (arm 1) 

15 lateral burpees over DB

15 DB snatch (arm 2) 

15 lateral burpees over DB 

9 DB snatch (arm 1) 

9 lateral burpees over DB 

9 DB snatch (arm 2) 

9 lateral burpees over DB 

*DB weight = 50/35 or 35/20 or 25/15; scale burpees to HRPU or up downs 


30-20-10 (:60 rest between rounds) -

Russian twist (20/14 or 14/10) + single leg v-up

Tips for 24.1 -

  1. Use chalk to mark hand placement so you can be consistent on your burpees over DB

  2. Make sure chest hits the floor first on burpees - slowly lowering into that bottom position takes a lot more energy

  3. Consider stepping up with one foot from burpees to keep heart rate from spiking

  4. Keep the DB close to your body and don’t come out too hot - a nice steady pace is key

Tuesday, March 5 

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 11 banded lat pull-down + 9/side banded Pallof press + 7 box step-up/side + 5 tempo front squat (:03/position) + 5 tempo ring row (:03/position) 


In 20:00, superset the following x7 (:60 rest between supersets) -


Front squat (start light and build to a moderately challenging set of 4)

Banded Pallof rotation/side


7:00 AMRAP -

7 box jump or step-ups (30/24 or 24/20 in) 

7 chest-to-bar pull-up, or challenging pull variation 


Superset x3 (:60 rest) - 8-10 GHD hip extension + :30 Sorenson hold 

Wednesday, March 6

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 8 muscle clean (empty barbell) + 8 dips from bench + :30 high knees + 10 Cossack squat + 10 alt hamstring scoop


16:00 EMOM - 

  1. 1 set max effort dips (rest when you feel close to failure or 8/10 RPE) 

  2. 3-5 power clean, building to WOD weight 

  3. :30-:45 tuck-up around KB

  4. Rest 


For time - 


Wall walk 

Power clean @ 70, 75, 80, 85, 90% 1RM respectively 

*200 meter run after each round (work out ends w/ run) 


Accumulate 1:00/side banded lat stretch + 1:00/side open book on wall, banded if desired

Thursday, March 7

Warm-up: 2:00 easy row or ski (1x), directly into 8-6-4 - alt reverse Samson + supine toes-to-rig + alt DB renegade row (light weight) + alt walking lunge (light weight) 


In 12:00, superset the following x3 (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 12-16 KB/DB walking suitcase lunge 

  2. 100 m KB/DB Farmer’s carry 

*Suggested DB/KB weight = 2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15


Every 6:00 x3 (18:00) -

40/30 cal row or ski 

30 double under or 60 singles 

20 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

10 alt renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

*Scale reps as needed to assure at least 1:00 rest/round 


3x 10-12/side - single arm pulldown (use cable or band)

Friday, March 8 

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 8 DB bench (start light and build) + 6/side thoracic reach from runners lunge + 4 inch worm w/ push-up + :20 easy bike 


24:00 EMOM 

  1. 12-15 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

  2. 8/6 cal bike + max DB bench press (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  3. Rest 

  4. 8/6 cal bike + max kettlebell swing (54/35 or 35/20) 

  5. 12-15 sit-ups 

  6. Rest 

*BP and KBS reps do not need to be unbroken.  Score = BP + KBS reps 


3x bicep curl 7 series w/ empty barbell (7 bottom to mid + 7 mid to top + 7 full range); :60 rest between sets

Saturday, March 9 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 push-up to pike + back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + inverted barbell row + :20 banded pull-down from hollow

Partner WOD

16 rounds for time (you go, I go) - 

3 bar muscle-up, pull-up, or ring row

6 back squat (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 

9 push-up 

*Partners switch after 1 full round (each partner completes 8 rounds) 


3x8/side split stance med ball rotational slams (20/14 or 14/10); 

:60 rest between rounds

Monday, February 26 - Saturday, March 2

Monday, February 26 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 6 DB bench press (start light and slowly build) + :30 easy jump rope + 10 pvc pass through + :30 chest opening stretch + 12 alt scorpion stretch 


Every :90 x8 - 

6 DB bench press (start light and build to a heavy set of 6) 


For time -


Burpees or hand release push-ups

20 double under or 30 singles after each round 


Tabata bicep curls (45/35) 

Tuesday, February 27

Warm-up: 2:00 easy bike directly into 3 rounds - 10 banded good morning + :30 warm up for gymnastics skill + 5 deadlift (light weight) + :30 pigeon stretch/side 


15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 3-5 deadlift, warming up to WOD weight 

  2. :30-:60 work on gymnastics skill of choice 

  3. Rest 


2 rounds @ steady pace (:90 rest between rounds) -

30/25 cal bike (scale to 20/15)

8 unbroken deadlift (275/185 or 225/155 or 155/105) 

40 sit-ups 

8 unbroken deadlift (275/185 or 225/155 or 155/105) 

30/25 cal bike (scale to 20/15)

*Pick a deadlift weight where you can cycle all reps (touch and go) without letting go of the bar  


Accumulate 2:00/side banded hamstring stretch 

Wednesday, February 28 

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4 alt Cossack squat + bootstrappers + supine toes-to-rig + alt quad stretch + DB walking suitcase lunge (start w/ no weight then slowly build) 


Every :90 x4 (12:00) -

  1. 12 DB walking suitcase lunge (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  2. :30-:45 DB plank pull through (use 1 DB from your lunge weight)


For time - 

30 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

60 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

30 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 


3x:30 ring support hold (or support hold from dip handles or boxes)

Thursday, February 29 

Warm-up: 200 m run, row, or ski directly into 5-4-3-2-1 strict press (start w/ empty barbell and build to Strength weight) + 1-arm ring row/side + burpee broad jump 


In 15:00, superset the following x4 (:90 rest between sets) - 

  1. 8-10 strict press (no heavier than ½ BW) 

  2. 14-16 alt gorilla row (2 @ 54/35 or 35/20)


16:00 EMOM - 

  1. 15/12 cal row or ski (scale to 12/9) 

  2. 200 m run (scale to 100) 

  3. 10 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) + max BMU, jumping BMU, or challenging pull movement 

  4. Rest 


3x8-10 DB lat pullover @ moderate weight

Friday, March 1 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and slowly build) + push-up to pike + runner lunge w/thoracic rotation/side + :20 HS hold, pike hold, or plank 


In 18:00, complete the following x4 (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 15-25 ft HS walk OR :20 weight shift from HS, pike hold, or plank

  2. 1 power clean + 1 low hang power clean + 1 high hang power clean (start moderate and build to a challenging complex if possible)

  3. 8/side single leg KB pass around (no heavier than 25#)


7:00 AMRAP for total push-up reps -

Max handstand push-up, pike push-up, or challenging push-up variation

EMOM starting @ 1:00 - 

5 power clean (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 


3x10 cable tricep pulls @ challenging weight (:60 rest between sets) 

Saturday, March 2 

Warm-up:  2:00 easy row or ski directly into 5-4-3-2-1 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 50% 1RM) + KB hip opener stretch/side + muscle snatch + overhead squat (empty barbell)

*Athletes will need 2 barbells


Superset the following every 2:30 x6 (15:00) -

  1. 9-7-5-5-5-5 back squat (@ 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75% 1RM) 

  2. 10 supine hamstring curls on exercise ball


3 rounds for time (3:00 rest between rounds) -

10 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45) 

12 cal bike 

-:30 rest-

10 bar muscle-up, pull-up, or ring row 

12 overhead squat (95/65 or 65/45) 

*Note: All 4 movements account for 1 round 


Superset x3 (:60 rest) - 15 tuck-up + 20 mountain climber + :30 plank 

Monday, February 19 - Saturday, February 24

Deload Week 

Monday, February 19

Warm-up:  2:00 easy bike (1x), directly into 3 rounds - 12 seated banded row + 10 banded lat pull-down + 8 alt reach from low squat + 6 slow tempo 1-arm ring row 


In 12:00, superset the following x3 (:90 rest between sets) -

  1. 10-12 DB lat pullover (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)

  2. 8-10/side 1-arm DB bent over row (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  3. Max effort strict pull-up or challenging ring row (1 set) 



15:00 EMOM @ steady pace - 

  1. :60 bike @ moderate pace 

  2. :60 thrusters (45/35) 

  3. :60 barbell curls (45/35) 

  4. :60 sit-ups (weighted or GHD if able) 

  5. Rest 


3x16-20 alternating Superman (:60 rest)

Tuesday, February 20

Warm-up: 2:00 easy row or ski (1x), directly into - 5-4-3-2-1 seated leg raises + bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM) + reverse Samson/side + kip swing or :20 hollow hold


15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 5 bench press (start @ 60% 1RM and build to challenging set if possible) 

  2. Max unbroken toes-to-bar (1x), or ttb variation 

  3. Rest 



15:00 row or ski for total meters (7/10 RPE) -

E3MOM (starting @ 0:00) - 

12 lunges (no weight) + 10 bench press (115/75 or 75/55) 


Accumulate 30-45 plate row from Sorenson hold, :01 pause @ top w/ 10# plate (scale to bent-over plate row @ moderate weight)

Wednesday, February 21

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 clean pull + clean high pull + muscle clean + front squat (empty barbell) + inch worm w/ push-up + scorpion stretch/side 


Every :90 x5 (15:00) -

  1. 1 power clean + 1 squat clean + hang squat clean + front squat (start light and build to moderate complex) 

  2. :30-:45 barbell roll-out or plank on barbell


10 rounds for time - 

3 power clean (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 

3 bar-facing burpees or up downs 


Tabata plank-ups (:20 work/:10 rest x8)

Thursday, February 22

Warm-up:  3 rounds - :30 wall facing handstand hold or plank + 10 banded pvc pull down from hollow + :30 easy jump rope + 10 alt toe touch from plank 


In 10:00, superset the following x3 (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 25 ft handstand walk or :30 handstand walk progression 

  2. :30 hollow rocks, banded if possible


Every 3:00 x6 (18:00) for total reps -

200 meter run 

Rnd 1 and 4 - Max bar muscle-up or challenging pull variation 

Rnd 2 and 5 - Max handstand push-up or any push-up variation 

Rnd 3 and 6 - Max jump rope reps (doubles or singles) 


Accumulate 2:00 dual KB front rack march (2 @ moderate weight)

Friday, February 23

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 banded good morning + 10 pvc pass through + 8 snatch grip deadlift + 6 power snatch (empty barbell) + 4/leg pistol squat to bench


12:00 EMOM -

  1. 2x 3-position power snatch @ moderate weight (:10 rest b/t set 1 and 2)

  2. 12-15 prone pvc lift off

  3. Rest 


3:00 AMRAP - 

20 alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

Max alt pistol squat (see video for variations) 

-2:00 rest-

3:00 AMRAP -

20 alt pistol squat (or variation) 

Max alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)


3x16-24 ring support w/ knee drive (scale to dip handles or boxes)

Saturday, February 24 

Warm-up: 1:00 easy bike + 1:00 easy row + 1:00 easy ski, directly into - 10-8-6-4-2 alt box step up + plate hops + push-up to pike + ring row 


Every 7:00 x4 (28:00) -

400 meter row or ski 

10 box jump over or step-over (24/20 in)

20/15 cal bike 

5 wall walks 


3x 8-10 alt renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

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