Monday, December 4 - Saturday, December 9

Monday, December 4

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 thrusters (start w/ empty barbell) + kip swing or :20 hollow rocks + pvc pass through + ring rows (:03 pause @ top) + :30 easy bike + :30 alt quad stretch after each round 



For time -


Thrusters (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

Pull-ups or ring rows 

*Expected times - beginner 7-9 mins; intermediate 6-7 mins; advanced 4-6 mins; elite < 3 mins


In 15:00, superset the following for 3 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 8-10 1-arm KB bent-over row/side (54/35 or 35/20) 

  2. 6-8 single leg RDL/side (54/35 or 35/20) 

  3. 10-12 alt supine KB knee raise

Tuesday, December 5

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 8 bench press (empty barbell) + 10 banded good mornings + 8 alt toe touch from plank + 10 KB swings (light weight)  :30 pec stretch on rings or trx 


9:00 EMOM -

  1. 3-5 bench bench press, building to WOD weight 

  2. :30-:45 KB swings (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/20) 

  3. Rest


For quality reps @ steady pace -



Bench press (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65) 

*30 double under or 60 singles after each round 


3x 10-12/side - elevated single leg glute bridge

Wednesday, December 6

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to 50% 1RM) + 10 alt scorpion stretch + 10 banded lat pull-down from hollow + 10 alt single leg v-up


Every :90 x8 (12:00) - start @ 50% 1RM and build to a challenging complex, or stay moderate to focus on mechanics; reps should be touch and go - 

1 power clean + 2 hang power clean + 1 power clean 


Every 4:00 x5 (20:00) -

15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups (scale to 10) 

400 meter row 

*Athlete should get :60-:90 rest per round


1:00/side banded lat stretch + 1:00/side figure-4 stretch on wall

Thursday, December 7

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt thoracic reach from squat + 8 alt groiners + 6 alt DB renegade row (start light and build) + 4 inch worms w/ push-up + :20 handstand hold


In 12:00, superset the following for 3 rounds (2:00 rest between rounds) -

  1. 10-15 HSPU, or any push-up variation 

  2. 8-10 alt DB renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20 or 20/10) 


In 15:00, complete - 

Max bike cals 

@ 0:00 - 50 air squats

@ 3:00 - 40 air squats

@ 6:00 - 30 air squats

@ 9:00 - 20 air squats

@ 12:00 - 10 air squats 

*Scaling option for squats - 30-25-20-15-10


Accumulate 2:00/side star plank or side plank 

Friday, December 8

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 power snatch (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + plank-up + alt box step-up + dips from pull-up bar or bench + :30 glute bridge hold 


24:00 EMOM -

  1. 3-6 bar muscle-up, jumping bar muscle-up, or pull variation 

  2. 10-15 burpees or up downs 

  3. Rest 

  4. 3-6 power snatch (135/95 or 95/65 or 45/35) 

  5. 10-15 box jump over or step over (24/20 in) 

  6. Rest 


Accumulate 60-100 hollow rocks, weighted if possible

Saturday, December 9

Messerfit holiday work-out held @ 6:30 and 10 am (donations welcomed - all donation proceeds go to Sugartree Ministries)

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 bench press + back squat + deadlift (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + :30 easy pace on machine of choice


For time -

40 bench press (½ BW) 

Calorie row, bike, or ski 

40 back squat (¾ BW) 

Calorie row, bike, or ski 

40 deadlift (BW) 

Calorie row, bike, or ski

*To determine calories, take the number of sets to complete the movement and then add a 0

Monday, November 27 - Saturday, December 2

Monday, November 27

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 front squat (start w/ empty barbell and build to 50% 1RM) + Cossack squat/side + :30 banded lat pull down + :30 banded forward raises 


In 14:00 complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -

Front squat (start @ 50% 1RM and build if possible) 



For time -

1,000 meter row or ski 

20 bar muscle-ups, jumping bar muscle-up, or other pull variation 

30 thrusters (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 


Accumulate 60-100 alt shoulder taps from plank 

Tuesday, November 28

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 clean pull + 5 high clean pull + 5 muscle clean (empty barbell) + :30 wrist rockers + :30 easy jump rope + :30 plank 


15:00 EMOM - 

  1. 3 hang power clean, building to WOD weight 

  2. :30 barbell rollout

  3. Rest 


Every 2:30 x6 (15:00) -

3 hang power clean (185/125 or 155/105 or 95/65) 

50 double under or 100 singles 


Accumulate 30-50 v-up pass throughs

Wednesday, November 29

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 12 pvc pass through + 10 alt reverse Samson + 8 dips from bench + 6 inch worms w/ push-up + :30 handstand hold or pike hold from bench 


Every :90 x4 (12:00) -

  1. :45-:60 handstand walk or or handstand walk progression

  2. 1 max unbroken set - dips from rings, handles, or bench 


For time -

10 burpees

20 sit-ups + 10 burpees 

30 lunges + 20 sit-ups + 10 burpees 

40 push-ups + 30 lunges + 20 sit-ups + 10 burpees 

50 air squats + 40 push-ups + 30 lunges + 20 sit-ups + 10 burpees 


Accumulate 30 banded snow angels

Thursday, November 30

Warm-up: 1:00 easy bike, then 10-8-6-4-2 deadlift (start very light and build to Strength weight) + alt scorpion stretch + supine toes-to-rig + alt quad stretch 


In 12:00, complete the following x3 (2:00 rest between rounds) -

15-20 deadlifts, unbroken if possible (225/155 or 155/105 or 95/65) 


3:00 work / 3:00 rest for total reps (15:00) -

  1. Max box jump over (24/20 in) 

  2. Max bike cals 

  3. Max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

*For example, complete 3:00 of as many box overs as possible, then rest 3:00 before moving on to bike cals 


Accumulate 2:00-3:00 Sorenson hold or Superman hold 

Friday, December 1

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 snatch pull + 3 high snatch pull + 5 muscle snatch + 3 OHS (empty barbell or pvc) + 5 push-up to pike + :30 easy row, bike, or ski 


In 12:00, complete the following (start light and build to a heavy single if possible) -

Power or squat snatch, athlete’s choice (:90 rest between sets) 


Partner WOD: 

For time (you go, I go) -

20 wall walks 

40 cal row or ski (both partners together) 

60 power snatch (135/95 or 95/65 or 45/35) 


Accumulate 2:00 L-sit or tuck hold on parallettes or boxes

Saturday, December 2 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 banded cat camels + :30 easy jump rope + 10 tempo ring rows + :30 easy bike + 8 thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side 


24:00 EMOM -

  1. 200 meter run (scale to 100) 

  2. 5 strict pull-ups + max wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

  3. Rest 

  4. 15/12 cal bike (scale to 12/9) 

  5. 30 double under (60 singles) + max HSPU (or any push-up variation) 

  6. Rest                              


Accumulate 1:00 banded hamstring stretch/side + 1:00 banded hip flexor stretch/side + :30/position 3-way banded shoulder stretch          

Monday, November 20 - Saturday, November 25

Monday, November 20

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 alt Cossack squat + 10 tempo rings + 8 DB bicep curls (2 @ light weight) +  6 thrusters (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) 


In 14:00, superset the following for 2 rounds (3:00 rest between rounds) -

6 DB bicep curls (2 @ 50/35 or 45/30 or 40/25) 

6 DB bicep curls (2 @ 45/30 or 40/25 or 35/20) 

6 DB bicep curls (2 @ 40/25 or 35/20 or 30/15) 

6 DB bicep curls (2 @ 35/20 or 30/15 or 25/10) 

WOD: (12:00) 

6 rounds for total pull-ups (:90 work / :30 rest) -


Thrusters (95/65 or 75/45 or 45/35) 

*Max pull-ups or ring rows in remaining time 


1:00 banded lat stretch/side 

Tuesday, November 21

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 banded good mornings + deadlift (start very light and slowly build toward WOD weight) + alt reverse Samson stretch + push-up to pike 


12:00 EMOM - 

  1. 3-5 deadlift (continue building to WOD weight) 

  2. Max distance unbroken HS walk or :30-:45 handstand walk progression 

  3. Rest 


E2MOM x10 (20:00) -

3 deadlifts (315/205 or 275/185 or 225/155 or 155/105) 

10-15 push-ups 

*Complete both movements in 2:00, then rest for the remaining time 


Accumulate 30-50 plate rows from Sorenson hold (no heavier than 25# plate) 

Wednesday, November 22

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to Strength weight) + inch worm w/ push-up + single leg v-up/side + :30 easy jump rope 


In 15:00, superset the following x5 (:90 rest between rounds) -

Bench press (185/125 or 135/95 or 85/55) 


:30 plank (weighted w/ plate if possible) after each bench press set 


For total reps (13:00) -

3:00 AMRAP - 

Max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

-2:00 rest-

3:00 AMRAP -

Max jump rope (doubles or singles) 

-2:00 rest-

3:00 AMRAP -

Max sit-ups 


3x 8-10 cable face pulls @ challenging weight (:60 rest between sets)

Thursday, November 23 

Happy Thanksgiving!  

Open Gym training option - 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 1:00 easy bike + 10 alt groiners + 1:00 easy row or ski + 10 pvc pass throughs + :30 easy bike + 10 banded pull-aparts + :30 easy row or ski 

Partner WOD

For time -


Bike calories 

Row or ski calories 

*Each partner completes all reps (e.g., P1 bikes 3 cals while P2 rows or skis 3 cals, then partners switch and P1 rows or skis 3 cals while P2 bikes 3 cals.  This continues until both athletes have completed 30 cals on each apparatus) 

**Scaling option = 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 reps on each apparatus 

Friday, November 24

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build) + runners lunge w/ thoracic rotation/side + alt toe touch from plank + bootstrappers 


E2MOM x7 for total load (14:00) -

Back squat or box squat


*Athlete can build or stay at the same weight across all sets; if lifting lighter, athlete can perform 5 squats each round instead of 3; athlete should be able to complete all 3 squats without re-racking the barbell

Partner WOD: 

20 rounds for time (you go, I go) -

10 back rack lunges (135/95 or 95/65 or 45/35) 


3x10 hamstring curls (:60 rest between sets) 

Saturday, November 25 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 muscle clean + 5 push jerk or split jerk (empty barbell) +  :30 warm up for gymnastics skill of choice + :30 banded snow angels


Every :90 x5 (15:00) -

  1. 3 clean and jerk, building to WOD weight 

  2. :45-:60 work on gymnastics skill of choice 



For time -

30 clean and jerks (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 

*Expected times for Grace - beginner 6-7 mins; intermediate 4-5 mins; advanced 3-4 mins; elite < 2


Accumulate 20/side open book stretch on wall

Monday, November 13 - Saturday, November 18

Monday, November 13

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 10 thoracic rotations from runners lunge/side + 5 banded box step-ups/side + :30 seated hamstring stretch/side + :30 elevated pigeon stretch/side 


Chad (Veteran’s Day WOD)

For time -

1,000 box step-ups (20 in)

*Wear ruck pack or weighted vest if desired; scale to 200-500 step-ups 

Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy died from suicide in May 2021 after 22 years of active service.  Today and every day we are so grateful for those who sacrificed their lives for our country.  

Tuesday, November 14

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 plank + 10 alt single leg v-up + :30 easy row + 10 alt reverse Samson + :30 easy ski + 10 alt toe touch from plank + :30 easy bike 


Every 3:00 x3 (9:00) -

15 sit-ups + 12 mountain climbers (:01 pause @ knee) + 9 elevated leg raises


18:00 EMOM for total cals - 

  1. Max effort cals on cardio machine (alternate between row or ski and bike) 

  2. Rest 


3x 6-8/side single leg KB RDL (:60 rest between sets) 

Wednesday, November 15

Warm-up:  10-8-6-4-2 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to 80% 1RM or challenging weight) + air squat + banded forward raise + banded lat pull-down 


E2MOM x5 (10:00) -

5 bench press @ 80% 1RM 


Fran prep 

5 rounds for time - 

10 thrusters (95/65 or 65/45) 

10 pull-ups or ring rows 


Tabata bicep curls (empty barbell) 

Thursday, November 16

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 5 burpee broad jump + :30 easy jump rope + 5 inch worms w/ push-up + :30 alt quad stretch + 5 scorpion stretch/side + :30 handstand hold 


Every 10:00 x3 (30:00) -

50 double under or 100 singles (scale to 30 doubles / 60 singles)

400 meter run (scale to 200)

30 burpees or up downs (scale to 20)

20 handstand push-ups or any push-up variation (scale to 10)

*8:00 time cap per round


Accumulate 20 prone T raises + 20 prone Y raises (rest as needed) 

Friday, November 17

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 10 supine toes-to-rig + 5 clean pull + 5 high clean pull + 5 muscle clean + 5 front squats (start w/ empty barbell) + :30 wrist rockers 


12:00 EMOM -

  1. 3-5 power or squat cleans, building to WOD weight 

  2. Max unbroken toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

  3. Rest 


For quality reps @ steady pace (1:1 rest between sets) -


Power clean or squat clean @ 70% 1RM

-3:00 rest-


Power clean or squat clean @ 80% 1RM 

*Reps do not need to be touch and go


Accumulate 40 m HS walk, 1:00 plate march from HS, 1:00 HS hold against wall or pike hold from bench, or 2:00 plank

Saturday, November 18

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 push jerk or split jerk (start w/ empty barbell and build toward WOD weight) + inch worms w/ push-up + tempo ring row + Cossack squat/side 


30:00 EMOM - 

  1. 1-3 push jerk or split jerk (185/135 or 155/105 or 95/65) 

  2. 12-15 KB swings (54/35 or 35/20) 

  3. 1-3 wall walks 

  4. 12-15 KB swings (54/35 or 35/20) 

  5. 2-5 BMU, jumping BMU, or other challenging pull movement 

  6. Rest 


3x 8-10 DB reverse flys (2 @ moderate weight)

Monday, November 6 - Saturday, November 11

Monday, November 6

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 alt thoracic reach from squat + 10 pvc pass throughs + 8 thrusters (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + 6 tempo ring rows


In 14:00, complete the following (:60 rest between rounds) -


GHD or weighted sit-ups

WOD: (Fran prep) 

9:00 EMOM - 

  1. Max set unbroken thrusters (95/65 or 65/45) 

  2. Max set unbroken pull-ups or ring rows 

  3. Rest 

*Rest for remaining minute once you set your barbell down or drop off pull-up bar 


3x6-8/side external shoulder rotation against the wall

Tuesday, November 7

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to Strength weight) + banded good morning + alt scorpion stretch/side + :30 easy jump rope 


10:00 EMOM -

1 power clean @ 80% 1RM, or challenging weight 


8:00 AMRAP - 

30 double under or 60 singles 

5 deadlift (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 

5 hang power clean (135/95 or 115/75 or 85/55) 


3x 8-10 barbell hip thrusts, explosive on the way up, :01 pause at top (:60 rest) 

Wednesday, November 8

Warm-up: In 10:00, warm up to bench press Strength weight (3-5 reps); between warm-up lifts, alternate between 8 banded pull-aparts and 8 banded forward raises 


Every 2:30 x4 (10:00) -

Max unbroken bench press reps @ BW or ¾ BW or ½ BW

*Rest for the remaining 2:30 once you re-rack barbell


For time -

1,000 meter row or ski (scale to 500) 

50 hand release push-ups (scale to 25) 

800 meter row or ski (scale to 400) 

40 hand release push-ups (scale to 20) 

600 meter row or ski (scale to 300) 

30 hand release push-ups (scale to 15) 

400 meter row or ski (scale to 200) 

20 hand release push-ups (scale to 10) 


1:00/side banded lat stretch + 1:00 chest opening stretch on rings or trx 

Thursday, November 9

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 wrist rockers + 12 alt groiners + :30 OH plate hold (light) + 10 alt pistol squat to bench + :30 HS hold or plank + 8 bootstrappers + :30 supine toes-to-rig


12:00 EMOM - 

  1. 10-12 alt pistol squat or pistol squat variation 

  2. Max distance handstand walk, :30 handstand marches against wall or from pike position on bench, or :45-:60 alt shoulder taps from plank

  3. Rest 


Every 6:00 x3 (18:00) -


Toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, incline leg raises, or v-ups 

DB front rack squats (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20 or 20/10)

*Complete all 60 reps (30 ttb + 30 squats) in 6:00, then rest for remaining time 


Accumulate 75-100 seated banded hamstring curls

Friday, November 10

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 alt quad stretch + 10 alt Cossack squat + :30 easy bike + 5 deadlift + 5 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build)  


9:00 EMOM (P1 and P2 alternate movements; share barbells if possible) - 

  1. 3-5 deadlift, warming up to WOD weight 

  2. 3-5 back squat, warming up to WOD weight 

  3. Rest 

Partner WOD

For time (you go, I go) -

100 cal bike 

50 deadlift (225/155 185/125 or 155/105) 

50 back squat (185/125 155/105 or 125/85) 

50 deadlift (225/155 or 185/125 or 155/105) 

100 cal bike 


1:00 Cobra pose + 1:00 banded hip flexor stretch/side

Saturday, November 11

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 snatch pull + snatch high pull + muscle snatch + OHS (empty barbell or pvc) + kip swings or :30 hollow hold + :30 tempo ring row 

Strength: (12:00) 

Every :90 x8 (start light and build to a moderately heavy complex if possible) -

3 position snatch (from the hip, then above the knee, then from the ground)


10:00 AMRAP - 

10 alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/20) 

3 bar muscle-up, jumping bar muscle-up, pull-up, or other pull movement 


3x 8-10 cable rows, challenging weight (:60 rest between sets) 

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