Monday, September 6 - Saturday, September 11

Monday, September 6

Warm-up:  In 12:00, build to overhead squat and clean & jerk weight; in between warm-up lifts, get 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 inch worms w/push-up 


Labor Day with the Girls 


5 rounds for time -

400 meter run 

15 overhead squats (95/65) 

-5:00 rest-


For time - 

30 cleans and jerks (135/95) 

-5:00 rest-


For time - 


Double unders 


*Scale weight as needed; scale double unders to 100-80-60-40-20 singles 

**These are 3 great work-outs to test your fitness level.  Make note of your times for each work-out if you would like to see where you fall.  Then, retest at a later date. 

Good times for Nancy - beginner 17-20 mins; intermediate 13-16 mins; advanced 10-12 mins; elite < 9:00

Good times for Grace - beginner 6-7 mins; intermediate 4-5 mins; advanced 3-4 mins; elite < 2:00

Good times for Annie - beginner 10-12 mins; intermediate 8-10 mins; advanced 7-8 mins; elite < 6:00

Tuesday, September 7 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + :30 hollow hold w/pvc + 5 kip swings + :30 arch hold w/pvc + 10 step-ups 


Every :90 for 4 rounds - 

1st: :30 kipping pull-ups for quality 

2nd: :30 v-ups for quality (weighted if possible - hold a small plate in each hand) 


3:00 on/2:00 off for 4 rounds - 

40 meter Famer’s carry, heavy

20 Russian KB swings (70/53 or 53/35) 

10 dual DB step-ups (24/21) (50/35 or 40/20) 

Max bike calories in remaining time 

*Score is max bike cals; scale weight as needed; 40 meters = the length of the gym, down and back 

Wednesday, September 8 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 ring rows + pass throughs + bench press (start w/empty bar and slowly build) + banded forward raises; :20 banded side steps b/t sets 


In 16:00, build to 85% 1RM bench press, or challenging weight, and then work to complete 15-20 reps at that weight. 


EMOM until failure - 

1st: 1 strict pull-up + 2 push-ups 

2nd: 2 strict pull-ups + 4 push-ups 

3rd: 3 strict pull-ups + 6 push-ups 

*Add 1 pull-up and 2 push-ups every round; session is over when you can no longer finish designated reps in the :60 interval.  

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 L-sit or L-hang 

Thursday, September 9 

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 5 burpee broad jumps + 10 groiners + 15 sit-ups + 20 shoulder taps from plank 


10:00 EMOM - 

1st: :30 handstand work, or difficult plank such as hands or feet on trx, or forearms or feet on exercise ball 

2nd: :30 flutter kicks 


For time - 

250 meter row or ski

9 burpees over rower (or object)

-Rest :60-

500 meter row or ski 

15 burpees over rower (or object)

-Rest :60

1,000 meter row or ski 

21 burpees over rower (or object)

-Rest :60-

500 meter row or ski 

15 burpees over rower (or object)

-Rest :60-

250 meter row or ski 

9 burpees over rower (or object)

*This is a good test for your rowing endurance.  Log your times if desired.  Try to hold a consistent pace throughout.  

Friday, September 10 

Warm-up: :60 easy bike + 5-4-3-2-1 inch worms w/push-up + muscle cleans + front squats + strict press  (all done w/empty barbell) + tuck-ups 


In 16:00, work to a heavy complex, or stay light/moderate and work on form - 

1 deadlift + 2 hang power cleans + 1 squat clean (from ground) + 1 jerk 


10 rounds for time - 

3 handstand push-ups 

5 wall balls 

7 toes-to-bar 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 star plank or side plank/side 

Saturday, September 11 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 10 pass throughs + 10 plate pinch press + :30 quad stretch/side + :30 pigeon stretch/side + :30 lateral hops 


12:00 EMOM - 

1st: 3-5 back squats, getting comfortable w/ WOD weight 

2nd: :30 jump rope for quality (doubles or singles) 

3rd: 12-16 plank-ups 


3 rounds for time - 

60 double unders

15 back squats (135/95)

15 DB bench (50/35) 

30 sit-ups 

*Scale weight as needed; scale 60 doubles to 120 singles 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 tricep pulls 

Monday, August 30 - Saturday, September 4

Monday, August 30

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 pass throughs + OHS w/pvc or empty barbell + push-up to pike + muscle cleans + reverse Samson’s 


14:00 EMOM - 

1st: 1-3 power clean or squat clean

2nd: 1-3 power snatch or squat snatch 

*The goal is to get nice and warm for the weight you plan to lift for the WOD so you can move it safely and efficiently.  


For time - 


Hang power clean (135/95 or 95/65) 

12/10 cal row or ski 

Directly into 


Hang power snatch (135/95 or 95/65) 

12/10 calorie row or ski 

Tuesday, August 31 

Warm-up: 200 meters + 5-4-3-2-1 v-ups + burpee broad jump + split-stance squats/side + inch worms w/push-up 


Every :90 for 15:00 - 

1st: 8-10 goblet split-stance squats/side (challenging weight) 

2nd: Max effort toes-to-bar (focus on quality; rest once you drop off the bar) 


3 rounds, each for time - 

21 burpees 

42 double unders 

15 burpees 

30 double unders 

9 burpees 

18 double unders 

2:00 rest between rounds

*Scale doubles to 80-60-40 singles 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a 2:00 dual KB front rack hold - please assure your core is tight, don’t arch your back.  Choose a challenging weight 

Wednesday, September 1 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 plank-ups + 5 strict press + 10 bootstrappers + 5 air squats + 10 groiners; get a :20 handstand hold or plank between rounds 


In 16:00, work to complete the following - 


Handstand push-ups 

Push jerk or split jerk (no heavier than 135/95) 

*Scale weight as needed; scale HSPU to pike push-ups or hand release push-ups


15:00 EMOM - 

1st: 10 thrusters (95/65) 

2nd: 10 front squats (95/65) 

3rd: 10 pull-ups 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 60 barbell hip thrusts w/upper back on bench 

Thursday, September 2 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 quad stretch/side + 10 sit-ups + :30 lateral hops + 10 single leg v-ups + :30 step-ups + 10 tuck-ups 


30:00 AMRAP - 


Calorie bike 

Box jumps (30/24) 

*200 meter run after each set 

Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 3:00 plank 

Friday, September 3 

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded good mornings + 5 deadlifts (building)  + 10 pvc pass throughs + strength specific mobility 


In 15:00, work on lift and/or skill of choice; get some warm-up cleans and deadlifts to prepare for WOD in between sets. 


For time - 

10 power cleans (225/155 or less) 

-Directly into-

6 rounds - 

8 toes-to-bar 

12 DB suitcase lunges (2@50/35 or 40/20)


10 deadlifts (265/185 or less) 

*Scale toes-to-bar to knees-to-elbow or v-ups; scale weight as needed

Saturday, September 4 

This work-out was created to honor Ryan Knauss, who died during an attack on the Kabul airport. Let’s take this time to honor all of the US Service men and women, and others, who have lost their lives during the recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan.

For time -

Buy in: 100 meter run

Followed by 9 rounds:

8 burpees

26 KB swings (53/35)

21 wall balls

100 meter run

Wear a weighted vest (optional)

Monday, August 23 - Saturday, August 28

Monday, August 23 

Warm-up: In 10:00, work to complete 3 rounds - 10 pass throughs + :30 alt quad stretch + 5 muscle cleans + :30 lateral hops + 5 inch worms + :30 glute bridge hold 


Every :60 for 10:00 - 

1st: 1 power clean, building to a heavy single 

2nd: :30 jump rope practice for quality 


240/200 cal bike 

*Every 2:00, complete 1 power clean @ 80% 1RM 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50-60 barbell glute bridges 

Tuesday, August 24

Warm-up: In 10:00, work to complete :30 chest opening stretch + :20 handstand hold or plank + 10-8-6-4-2 back squats, warming up to 65% 1RM + Samson stretch + v-ups 


Every :90 for 4 rounds - 

1st: 5 back squats @ 65% 1RM 

2nd: :30 handstand push-ups for quality 


For time - 


Thrusters (95/65 or 65/45) 


100 meter run after each round 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 40 supine hamstring curls on med ball 

Wednesday, August 25

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 5 bench press building toward 60% 1RM + 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 ring rows + 10 banded forward raises + 5 cal row 


In 20:00, work to complete the following - 


Bench press (start around 55-60% 1RM, and build towards a heavy set of 2) 

Ring dips 


3 rounds for max reps - 

:60 burpees 

:60 alt DB snatch (50/35) 

:60 pull-ups 

:60 rest 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 banded lat pull-downs, or 30 cable pull-downs 

Thursday, August 26

Warm-up: In 10:00, warm up to weight for strength; in between warm up lifts, get 5 inch worms w/push-up + 10 groiners 


Every :60 for 12:00 - 

1st: 4 front squats + 2 push jerk (155/105) 

2nd: 3-5 wall walks for quality 

3rd: Rest 


For time - 

100 double unders 

50 sit-ups 

80 double unders 

40 hand-release push-ups 

60 double unders 

30 American KB swings (53/35) 

40 double unders 

20 calorie row or ski 

20 double unders 

10 pistol squats 

Friday, August 27

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges + :30 squat hold + 20 m Spider-Man stretch + :30 easy bike + 20 shoulder taps from plank 


Every :90 for for 5 rounds - 

1st: :45 gymnastics work of choice 

2nd: :30 goblet lunges for quality 


For time - 

800 meter run

100 wall balls 

800 meter row or ski 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 weighted side bends/side, challenging weight 

Saturday, August 28 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 banded side steps + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 5 kip swings or 3 hips to bar + 10 plank-ups + 10 alt scorpions + 5 deadlifts (start w/empty bar and build)


30:00 EMOM -

1st: 2-4 muscle ups or 4-6 strict pull-ups 

2nd: 6-8 deadlifts (225/155) 

3rd: 10-12 box jumps (24/20) 

4th: 15-20 sit-ups

5th: Rest

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-40 face pulls 

Monday, August 16 - Saturday, August 21

Monday, August 16

Warm-up: 200 meter run + 5-4-3-2-1 inch worms + strict press (building toward 75%) + deadlifts (build toward WOD weight) + push-up to pike 


Every :90 for 5 rounds - 

1st: 3-5 strict press @75% 1RM

2nd: Max effort strict pull-ups 



For time - 


Deadlifts (225/155) 

Handstand push-ups 

*Good times for Diane - Beginner 10-14 mins; intermediate 6-9 mins; advanced 5-6 mins; elite < 4 mins

**Scale weight as needed; this work-out should be a sprint w/mostly unbroken reps 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 100 plank marches w/band above knees 

Tuesday, August 17

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - 10 banded pull-aparts + :30 banded side steps + 10 air squats + :30 plank + 10 groiners + :30 pigeon stretch/side


Every :60 for 15:00 (for quality) - 

1st: 8-10 goblet squats

2nd: 10-12 renegade rows 

3rd: 8-10 DB bench press 


10:00 AMRAP - 

10 wall balls (20/14) 

10 toes-to-bar 

100 meter run 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 60 supine hamstring curls w/wall ball 

Wednesday, August 18

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 tall cleans + 10 plank-ups + 15 glute bridges + :30 chest opening stretch + :30 t-spine stretch 


In 14:00, complete 3 sets of max effort push-ups for quality (if proficient w/push-ups, do deficits if you want an extra challenge); get some power clean warm-up lifts between sets, building toward WOD weight.  


5 rounds for time - 

15/12 calorie bike 


Power cleans (225/135) 

*Adjust weight accordingly; weight should be challenging, but doable with good form 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 GHD sit-ups or traditional sit-ups 

Thursday, August 19 

Warm-up: 2:00 easy bike + 10-8-6-4-2 - reverse Samson’s + ring rows + scorpion stretch + pass throughs


For total cals - 

3:00 on/2:00 rest 

Round 1: 50 double unders or 100 singles 

Round 2: 30 1-arm DB OH lunges (50/35 or 40/20) 

Round 3: 20 pull-ups or ring rows 

Round 4: 20 pull-ups or ring rows 

Round 5: 30 1-arm DB OH lunges (50/35 or 40/20) 

Round 6: 50 double unders or 100 singles 

*Finish each round w/max effort row or ski calories; scale reps as needed 

Friday, August 20 

Warm-up: In 10:00, complete 2 rounds of 10 muscle snatches + 10 OHS + 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 burpee broad jumps; 


In 16:00, work on a skill or lift of choice 


20:00 EMOM - 

1st: 12 power snatches (95/65) 

2nd: 200 meter run 

3rd: 12 overhead squats (95/65) 

4th: 10 burpee box jumps 

Saturday, August 21 

Group training at Harmon Park @ 8 am 

Fundraiser for Messer family

Monday, August 9 - Saturday, August 14

Monday, August 9 

Warm-up: 2:00 easy bike + 5-4-3-2-1 pass throughs + tall snatch w/empty barbell + OHS w/empty barbell + v-ups w/pvc 


10:00 EMOM - 

1 power snatch or squat snatch, building in weight each time if possible (or stay light/moderate and get 1-3 reps every :60) 


5:00 AMRAP for 3 rounds (:60 rest b/t AMRAPs) - 

5 burpees 

7 overhead squats (95/65) 

9 toes-to-bar 

*Score is total number of rounds (pick up where you left off each round) 

Accessory (optional): 

Tabata flutter kicks 

Tuesday, August 10 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 inch worms + 20 m walking lunges + 10 groiners + 20 m alt quad stretch + 10 sit-ups 


Every :90 for 4 rounds - 

1st: 14-16 DB walking lunges for quality (moderate weight)

2nd: :45 plank, weighted if possible 


For time -


Calorie row or ski 

Calorie bike 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 KB front rack hold 

Wednesday, August 11

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 bench press + 10 ring rows + 5 deadlift + 10 plank-ups (build to WOD weight for bench and deadlift) 


In 12:00, complete 4-5 sets of max effort ring dips, dips off GHD, or dips off bench; Rest at least :60 between sets 


“The Coop” 

For time - 



Bench press (135/95) 

3:00 rest 



Deadlifts (225/155) 

*Scale weight as needed 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50 alt DB bicep curls 

Thursday, August 12 

Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - :30 pigeon stretch/side + 10 alt scorpions + :30 hamstring stretch + 10 cal row + :30 banded side steps 


For time - 

800 meter run 

60 American KB swings (53/35) 

30 sit-ups 

Directly into 

2 rounds - 

400 meter run 

30 American KB swings (53/35) 

15 sit-ups 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 Pallof press/side 

Friday, August 13

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 single leg deadlift/side, light weight + banded good mornings + back squats w/empty bar, build to 65%; :20 handstand hold between warm-up rounds 


In 12:00, work to complete the following - 

Back squats 

3x10@65% 1RM 

*Rest at least :90 between sets 


20:00 AMRAP - 

5 handstand push-ups 

10 front squats (155/105 or 125/85 or 95/65) 

50 double unders 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 30 seated single DB tricep extensions 

Saturday, August 14 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 bootstrappers + kip swings + push-up to pike + clean and press (build in weight to 75%) + burpee broad jump 


In 15:00, work to complete the following clean and jerk sequence - 

2x3@75% 1RM 

2x2@80% 1RM 

2x1@85% 1RM 


For time - 

60 wall balls 

50 cal row, bike, or ski 

40 dual DB hang clean and jerk (50/35 or 30/20) 

30 burpee box jumps 

20 bar muscle-ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups 

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