This week we complete Training block 1 of 2025 mesocycle

Week 1-6 (January / February) - High focus on Powerlifting and midline stability (bench press, back squat, deadlift) + general gymnastic skills + zone 2 training 

Week 7 - De-load week

Week 8 - Testing (deadlift 2/22, Cindy 2/24, back squat 2/26, bench press 2/28)  

A preview of what is next - 

Training block 2 of 2025 mesocycle

Week 9-15 (March / April) - High focus on Olympic lifts and overhead stability (strict press, push press, jerk + power clean + front squat + snatch + overhead squat) + continued gymnastics progression + high intensity intervals 

Week 16 - de-load week 

Week 17 - Testing (clean and jerk + Isabel) 

Monday, February 24

Warm-up:  5-4-3 kip swing + push-up to pike + 1-arm DB/KB bent-over row/side (light) + Cossack squat/side + scorpion stretch/side + :30 banded row from Superman


Every :90 x4 (12:00) - 

  1. 8-10/side 1-arm KB/DB bent over row (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

  2. 16-20 alt DB top down bicep curl (2 @ moderate weight)



20:00 AMRAP -

5 pull-up 

10 push-up 

15 air squat 

*Beginner 11-12 rounds; intermediate 13-17 rounds; advanced 19-22 rounds; elite 24+ rounds


1:00/side banded lat stretch 

1:00 supine weighted chest opening stretch

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