Monday, January 13

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 10 pvc pass through + 10 alt thoracic reach from low squat + 5 front squat + 5 strict press (empty barbell) + :30/side couch stretch + :30 wrist rockers 


In 16:00, complete 5 rounds of the following (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 10-8-6-4-2 strict press (start @ 50% 1RM / RPE 5/10 and slowly build) 

  2. :30-:60 alt banded side step 


For time - 


Front squat (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 

Push press (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35) 


2-3 rounds - 12-16 alt barbell windshields wipers (empty barbell)

Tuesday, January 14

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 10 supine toes-to-rig + 10 alt scorpion stretch + 10 banded snow angel + :30 work on gymnastics skill + :30 weighted hamstring stretch from box


In 16:00, complete 4 rounds of the following (:90 rest between rounds) - 

  1. :30-:45 work on gymnastics skill of choice (e.g., bar complexes, high ring skills, handstand work, double unders)

  2. 10-15/side banded oblique rotations


12:00 easy row, bike, or ski (zone 2) 

@ minutes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - 15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups (scale to 9)

*Reps do not need to be unbroken


2 rounds (2:00 rest between rounds) -

10 dual DB bicep curl @ light weight

10 dual DB bicep curl @ moderate weight

10 dual DB bicep curl @ heavy weight

10 dual DB bicep curl @ moderate weight

10 dual DB bicep curl @ light weight

Wednesday, January 15

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 deadlift + back squat (start light and build toward 60% 1RM for both lifts) + Cossack squat/side + inch worm w/ push-up + 1-arm ring row/side  


In 35:00, complete the following @ a steady pace for quality reps - 


Deadlift @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80% 1RM 

Strict handstand push-up or pike push-up

-5:00 rest-


Back squat @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80% 1RM 

Bird dog row/side (50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 


3x10 hamstring curls @ moderate weight 

Thursday, January 16

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 5 cat cow + 10 alt toe touch from plank + 10 banded glute bridge + 10 alt groiner + :30 easy jump rope + :30 easy row, bike, or ski 


Every :90 x4 (12:00) -

  1. 10 barbell hip thrust, :02 pause @ top (135/95 or 95/65)

  2. :30-:45 barbell ab roll-out 


In 20:00, complete 5 intervals for total reps (1:00 rest between intervals) -

5:00 (0:00-5:00) - Max bike cals 

4:00 (6:00-10:00) - Max sit-up 

3:00 (11:00-14:00) - Max double under or singles 

2:00 (15:00-17:00) - Max row or ski cals 

1:00 (18:00-19:00) - Max lateral burpees over rower or object 


3x10 cable face pull @ moderate weight 

Friday, January 17

Warm-up: 6-5-4-3 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + upward to downward dog flow + reverse Samson/side + banded pull-apart 

Partner WOD

10 rounds for time (you go, I go) - 

10 DB/KB suitcase reverse lunge (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

5 bench press (175/125 or 155/105 or 105/75) 

10 DB/KB suitcase reverse lunge (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15) 

*Each partner to complete 5 rounds; P1 works while P2 rests, then switch 


3x10 DB lat pullover @ moderate weight 

*Note: Since this is a shorter work-out, feel free to complete an accessory that you missed through the week (e.g., the bicep accessory from Tuesday would be a nice compliment)

Saturday, January 18 

Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP - 5 kip swings (or hips to bar for muscle-ups) + 5 broad jump + 3 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM) + 4 alt elbow punch


Every :90 x8, complete the following power clean sequence (12:00) -

  1. 5 @ 60% 1RM 

  2. 4 @ 65% 1RM 

  3. 3 @ 70% 1RM

  4. 2 @ 75% 1RM 

  5. 5 @ 65% 1RM

  6. 4 @ 70% 1RM

  7. 3 @ 75% 1RM

  8. 2 @ 80% 1RM  


9:00 AMRAP - 

3 bar muscle-up or chest-to-bar pull-up, or 6 chin-over-bar pull-up or ring row 

6 box jump over (30/24 in or lower) 


Accumulate - 

1:00/side seated hamstring stretch 

1:00/side couch stretch 

1:00/side overhead banded lat stretch from straddle

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