Monday, April 8
Warm-up: 8-6-4 muscle snatch + overhead squat (empty barbell) + alt quad stretch + pvc pass through + banded pull-apart + :20/side child pose w/ lat stretch
Every :90 x6 (9:00) -
1.1.1 power snatch (:10 rest between singles)
*Start light and build by 5-10 lbs each round if possible (or stay light to work on form)
5 rounds for time (scale to 3 rounds) -
400 meter run
15 overhead squat (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35)
*Scale OHS to KB goblet squat @ moderate weight
**Expected times for Nancy - beginner 17-20 mins; intermediate 13-16; advanced 10-12; elite < 9
3x8/side prone banded open book stretch
Tuesday, April 9
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2 DB power clean (start light and build) + DB push-up + thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side + :30 banded lat pull down from hollow
12:00 EMOM -
6 DB push-up + renegade row (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)
9 DB power clean (2 @ 50/35 or 40/25 or 30/15)
15:00 AMRAP -
45 double under or 90 singles
15 sit-ups (GHD or weighted if possible)
5 bar muscle-up, chest-to-bar pull-up, or other challenging pull movement
Accumulate 1:00-2:00 Copenhagen plank/side
Wednesday, April 10
Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 3-5 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and build to 80% 1RM) + 10 pvc pass through + 8 banded snow angels + 6 air squat
In 12:00 complete the following (:90 rest between sets) -
Bench press @ 80% 1RM or challenging weight
18:00 AMRAP -
Max row or ski meters
*Every 500 meters complete 12 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10)
Accumulate 30-50 DB bicep curl from v-sit on bench (2 @ moderate weight)
Thursday, April 11
Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 easy bike + 12 alt groiner + 10 supine toes-to-rig + 8 alt box step-up + 6 alt back rack lunge (empty barbell) + 4 inch worm w/ push-up
Every 2:00 x6 (12:00) -
Alt back rack lunge (start light and build to a challenging set of 4 if possible)
WOD: (18:00)
6 rounds for total toes-to-bar (2:00 work / 1:00 rest) -
10/7 cal bike
10 box jump over or step-over (24/20 in)
Max toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups in remaining time
Accumulate 30-45/side banded Pallof rotations
Friday, April 12
Warm-up: 15:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 3-5 push or split jerk from rack + 3-5 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build to 65% 1RM for both movements) + 4 scorpion stretch/side + 6 banded good morning (athlete will need 2 separate barbells)
25:00 EMOM -
5-4-3-2-1 power clean
:30 strict pull-up (1x - rest when you drop off bar)
5-4-3-2-1 push or split jerk
:30 handstand walk or handstand walk progression
*Suggested clean and jerk weight =
Round 1 = 5 @ 65% 1RM or 5/10 RPE
Round 2 = 4 @ 70% 1RM or 6/10 RPE
Round 3 = 3 @ 75% 1RM or 7/10 RPE
Round 4 = 2 @ 80% 1RM or 8/10 RPE
Round 5 = 1 @ 85% 1RM or 9/10 RPE
Accumulate 1:00/side banded pec stretch + 1:00/side banded lat stretch
Saturday, April 13
No class - moving day!
We will begin training at our new location on Monday, 4/15 -
801 West Main Street in Lebanon