Monday, January 29 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 2:00 easy row, bike, or ski + 1:00 plank + 20 alt banded X walk + 10 alt quad stretch 

WOD: (30:00) 

Every 10:00 x3, working @ 80-85% RPE -

500 meter ski 

50/40 cal bike 

500 meter row 

*Change order as needed to share cardio equipment; scale volume to assure at least 1:00 rest per round


Accumulate 20-30/side woodchoppers w/ wall ball (20/14 or 14/10)

Tuesday, January 30

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 front squat (empty barbell) + 5 inch worm w/ push-up + 5 thoracic reach from runners lunge/side + :30 easy jump rope 


In 12:00, complete the following every :90 x8 (start light and build moderate) -

1 Enderton front squat complex 

(FS w/ :03 pause @ bottom + FS w/ double bounce + FS)


16:00 AMRAP - 

10 air squats 

10 lunges 

15 push-ups 

20 sit-ups 

20 double unders or 40 singles 


Accumulate 2:00/side Copenhagen plank

Wednesday, January 31

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 DB bench press (start light and slowly build to Strength weight) + muscle clean + thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side + :30 seated leg lifts


In 16:00 complete 4 rounds (:60 rest between rounds) -

  1. 8-10 DB bench press (2 @ 70/50 or 50/35 or 35/20) 

  2. 12-15 banded kneeling hip thrust

  3. 3-5 power clean, building to WOD weight

WOD: (11:00) 

For total reps (ttb + burpees) - 

From 0:00-4:00 - 

15 power clean (135/95 or 95/65 or 75/45) + max toes-to-bar (or ttb variation) 

-1:00 rest-

From 5:00-8:00 - 

12 power clean (165/115 or 115/85 or 85/55) + max lateral burpees over barbell 

-1:00 rest-

From 9:00-11:00 - 

9 power clean (185/135 or 155/105 or 95/65) + max toes-to-bar (or ttb variation) 


Accumulate 50-75 banded tricep pulls 

Thursday, February 1

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 pvc pass through + 10 alt shoulder tap from HS or plank + 8 alt reaches from low squat + 6 strict press (start w/ empty barbell) + 4 broad jump


16:00 EMOM  -

  1. 20 foot handstand walk or :30 handstand walk progression

  2. 12-15 face pulls on rings or trx

  3. 3-5 jerk (push or split), building to WOD weight 

  4. Rest 


15 rounds for time -

5 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

3 box jump over or step-over (24/20 in) 

1 jerk, push or split, from rack (175/125 or 155/105 or 95/65) 


Accumulate 40-60 Russian twists from GHD or mat

Friday, February 2

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 back rack lunge (start w/ empty barbell & build to WOD weight) + banded good morning + banded lat pull down (3x3x3 tempo) + banded pull-apart 


In 12:00, superset the following x3 (:90 rest between rounds) - 

  1. 10-15 GHD hip extensions 

  2. 6-8/side KB bird dog row @ moderate weight

  3. 8-10 ring dips or dips from handles or bench 


8:00 AMRAP -

2 rounds -

20 back rack lunge (take barbell from ground) @ 115/85 or 95/65 or 45/35

400 meter row or ski 

Max bar muscle-up, jumping BMU, pull-up, or ring rows in remaining time 


Accumulate 50-60 banded hamstring curls or 30 cable curls 

Saturday, February 3 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 6/side Cossack squat + :30 ring support hold (or hold on handles or boxes) + 6 good morning w/ empty barbell + :30 top of ring row hold + 6 deadlift (build to 50% 1RM, or light weight) 


For quality reps @ steady pace - 


  1. Deadlift (start @ 50% 1RM and build to heavy single if possible) 

  2. Ring row, horizontal if able (feet elevated if possible)

  3. Leg raises from ring support hold (scale to tuck-ups from box support hold)


In 4:00 - tabata single leg v-ups (:20 work/:10 rest x8) 

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