Tuesday, May 30
Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 shoulder tap from plank + 15 glute bridges + :30 banded side step + 15 banded pull-apart + :30 banded pec stretch/side https://youtu.be/BtZs1GgX8tc
8:00 EMOM -
:30-:45 alternating side plank rotation https://youtu.be/VBd6DBVNUYg
:30 banded row from Superman https://youtu.be/p0DoMiaIA-I
7:00 AMRAP x3 (21:00) -
1,000 meter row or ski
Max sit-ups
Accumulate 75 lateral v-ups/side https://youtu.be/ikDIDDVeIlE
Wednesday, May 31
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 power clean (start w/ empty barbell and build toward 80% 1RM) + banded forward raises + banded good morning
Every :90 x5 (15:00) -
3 power clean, building to 80% 1RM, or moderately heavy weight
6-8 seated DB press @ moderate weight https://youtu.be/RgkzQ008m3I
5:00 EMOM -
1 power clean @ 80% 1RM
-Directly into-
5:00 EMOM -
1 power clean @ 85% 1RM
-Directly into-
5:00 EMOM -
1 power clean @ 90% 1RM
Accumulate 30-50 banded bicep curls https://youtu.be/MkPz57rN2nw
Thursday, June 1
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 back squat (start w/ empty barbell and build toward 65% 1RM) + Cossack squat/side (no weight) + single leg v-ups/side + inch worm w/ push-up
Strength: 14:00
E2MOM x7 (start @ 65% 1RM and build to a heavy triple if possible) -
3-5 back squat
For time -
40 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10)
30 toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow or v-ups
20 burpees
30 toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow or v-ups
40 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10)
3x 6-8 single leg KB RDL/side
Friday, June 2
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 pvc pass through + :30 easy jump rope + 8 plank-up + 6 bench press (start w/ empty barbell and slowly build) + :30 gymnastics warm-up
12:00 EMOM -
3 bench press, building toward 80% 1RM, or moderately heavy weight
:45-:60 gymnastics skill work
E3MOM x6 (18:00) -
15 DB deadlift (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20)
30 double under or 60 singles
3 bench press @ 80% 1RM, or moderately heavy weight
200-400 meter Farmer’s carry @ deadlift weight
Saturday, June 3
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 alt reverse Samson + 1-arm KB strict press/side (light weight) + alt toe touch from plank + alt box step-up
In 14:00, superset the following for 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -
16-20 alt KB goblet lunge (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/20)
6-8 KB push jerk (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/20)
WOD: 16:00
4 rounds (3:00 work/1:00 rest) for max box jump-overs -
15-20 KB swings (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/20)
10-15 bike cals
Max box jump-over or step-over (24/20 in)
Accumulate 1:00 banded hip flexor stretch/side + 1:00 banded hamstring stretch/side